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Grupo de investigación

InmunoNutrición e InmunoMetabolismo (INIM)

Capítulos en Libros

Rivero-pino, Fernando;Ververis, Ermolaos;Pérez-Gálvez, Antonio Raúl;Naska, Androniki:
Biological properties and safety aspects of edible insects. Pág. 173-190. Elsevier. Elsevier. 2024.
Precup, Gabriela;Ververis, Ermolaos;Azzollini, Domenico;Rivero-pino, Fernando;Zakidou, Panagiota;Germini, Andrea:
The Safety Assessment of Insects and products thereof as Novel Foods in the European Union. Pág. 123-146. Springer. Springer. 2022.
Alfieri, Fabio;Rivero-pino, Fernando;Zakidou, Panagiota;Fernández-dumont, Antonio;Roldan-torres, Ruth:
Processes for Obtaining Plant-Based Dairy and Meat Substitutes. Pág. 0-15. ELSEVIER. ELSEVIER. 2022.
Rivero-pino, Fernando;Millán-Linares, Mª Carmen;Montserrat-De La Paz, Sergio:
Hemp Protein. Pág. 0-15. ELSEVIER. ELSEVIER. 2022.

Asistencia a congresos

Rossi, Annamaria;Germini, Andrea;Zakidou, Panagiota;Kass, George;Albert, Oceane;Kouloura, Eirini;Laganaro, Marcello;Muñoz-gonzalez, Alejandra;Noriega, Estefania;Nuin, Irene;Rivero-pino, Fernando;Ververis, Ermolaos:
Data gaps in the risk assessment of Cannabidiol (CBD) as a Novel Food.. Poster en Congreso. Eurotox 2023. LJUBLJANA. 2023
Rivero-pino, Fernando;de Miguel Albarreal, Antonio;Millán-Linares, Mª Carmen;Grao-Cruces, Elena;Martín-Rubio, María Esther;Montserrat-De La Paz, Sergio:
Plasma circulating amino acids in pre-diabetic patients after nutritional intervention supplemented with hemp protein. Poster en Congreso. 4th International Conference on Food Bioactives & Health. PRAGUE. 2023
Noriega-fernandez, Estefania;Rivero-pino, Fernando;Alfieri, Fabio;Germini, Andrea;Precup, Gabriela;Roldan-torres, Ruth;Ververis, Ermolaos;Zakidou, Panagiota;Fernandez-dumont, Antonio:
Allergenicity risk assessment by the European Food Safety Authority: Knowledge gaps and research needs. Poster en Congreso. 36th EFFoST International Conference 2022 Shaping the Production of Sustainable, Healthy Foods for the Future. Dublin, - Dublín, Irlanda. 2022
Zakidou, Panagiota;Roldan-torres, Ruth;Ververis, Ermolaos;Alfieri, Fabio;Azzollini, Domenico;Dumas, Celine;Germini, Andrea;Kouloura, Eirini;Noriega-fernandez, Estefania;Precup, Gabriela;Rivero-pino, Fernando:
Production-related safety considerations by the European Food Safety Authority on novel foods derived from food industry by-products. Poster en Congreso. ONE Conference. Brussels. 2022
Precup, Gabriela;Roldan-torres, Ruth;Rossi, Annamaria;Turla, Emmanuela;Ververis, Ermolaos;Zakidou, Panagiota;Germini, Andrea;Ackerl, Reinhard ;Albert, Oceane;Alfieri, Fabio;Colombo, Paolo;Cr¿ciun, Ionut;Dumas, Celine;Noriega-fernandez, Estefania;Rivero-pino, Fernando:
Novel carbohydrates as novel foods: challenges and perspectives in the risk assessment. Poster en Congreso. ONE Conference. Brussels. 2022
Rivero-pino, Fernando;Ackerl, Reinhard;Alfieri, Fabio;Germini, Andrea;Matijevic, Leonard ;Precup, Gabriela;Ververis, Ermolaos ;Zakidou, Panagiota;Albert, Oceane:
Benchmark dose modelling for the safety assessment of novel foods: overview of uses and challenges. Poster en Congreso. ONE Conference. Brussels. 2022
Rivero-pino, Fernando;Espejo-Carpio, Francisco Javier;Guadix-Escobar, Emilia Maria:
Evaluation of the antidiabetic potential of a vegetable soup fortified with Tenebrio molitor protein hydrolysates. Ponencia en Congreso. 4th Insects to Feed the World Conference. Quebec / Online. 2022
Alfieri, Fabio;Germini, Andrea;Roldan-torres, Ruth;Fernandez-dumont, Antonio;Ververis, Ermolaos;Noriega-fernandez, Estefania;Dumas, Celine;Precup, Gabriela;Rivero-pino, Fernando;Zakidou, Panagiota:
Perspectives and challenges in the safety assessment of alternative proteins and their sources as novel foods. Poster en Congreso. ONE Conference. Brussels. 2022
Noriega-fernandez, Estefania;Zakidou, Panagiota;Rossi, Annamaria;Romero-fernandez, Patricia;Baratto, Irene;Precup, Gabriela;Alfieri, Fabio;Colombo, Paolo;Rivero-pino, Fernando;Roldan-torres, Ruth;Ververis, Ermolaos:
Overview on the Risk Assessment (RA) by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) of microorganisms intended as Novel Foods or used in their productio. Comunicación en congreso. IAFP¿s European Symposium on Food Safety. Munich, -, GERMANY. 2022
Garcia-Moreno, Pedro Jesus;Ospina-quiroga, J. Lizeth;Rivero-pino, Fernando;Pérez-Gálvez, Antonio Raúl;Espejo-Carpio, Francisco Javier;Guadix-Escobar, Antonio Maria;Guadix-Escobar, Emilia Maria:
Rivero-pino, Fernando;Espejo-Carpio, Francisco Javier;Guadix-Escobar, Emilia Maria:
Screening protein sources for the production of antidiabetic peptides. Poster en Congreso. 2nd FOOD CHEMISTRY CONFERENCE. Shaping the Future of Food Quality, Safety, Nutrition and Health. Sevilla. 2019
Rivero-pino, Fernando;Espejo-Carpio, Francisco Javier;Guadix-Escobar, Emilia Maria:
Effect of food processing on biopeptides with ACE-inhibitory and antioxidant capacities. Poster en Congreso. 2nd FOOD CHEMISTRY CONFERENCE. Shaping the Future of Food Quality, Safety, Nutrition and Health. Sevilla. 2019
Rivero-pino, Fernando;Espejo-Carpio, Francisco Javier;Guadix-Escobar, Emilia Maria:
Effect of Simulated Digestion On DPP-IV Inhibitory Activity of Sardine Hydrolysates. Poster en Congreso. 6th International Conference on Food Digestion. Granada. 2019
Morales-medina, Rocío;Pérez-Gálvez, Antonio Raúl;Rivero-pino, Fernando;Muñío-Martínez, María Del Mar;Camacho-Rubio, Fernando;Guadix-Escobar, Emilia Maria;Guadix-Escobar, Antonio Maria:
Influence of unsaturation degree of fatty acids on the regioselectivity of lipases in the production of triacylglycerols by esterification. Poster en Congreso. 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering. . BARCELONA, - BARCELONA, ESPAÑA. 2017

Artículos publicados

Morales-Marin, Fatima;Montserrat-De La Paz, Sergio;León-León, María José;Rivero-pino, Fernando:
Effects of Malnutrition on the Immune System and Infection and the Role of Nutritional Strategies Regarding Improvements in Children¿s Health Status: . Nutrients. 2024. Vol: 16. Núm: 1. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu16010001.
Bueno -mancebo, Jose;Artola, Adriana;Barrena, Raquel ;Rivero-pino, Fernando:
Potential role of sophorolipids in sustainable food systems. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tifs.2023.104265.
Millán-Linares, Mª Carmen;Rivero-pino, Fernando;González, Mª Teresa;Villanueva-Lazo, Alvaro;Montserrat-De La Paz, Sergio:
Identification, characterization, and molecular docking of immunomodulatory oligopeptides from bioavailable hempseed protein hydrolysates. Food Research International. 2024.
Montserrat-De La Paz, Sergio;Villanueva-Lazo, Alvaro;Millán-Rodriguez, Francisco;Martin-santiago, Victoria;Rivero-pino, Fernando;Millán-Linares, Mª Carmen:
Production and identification of immunomodulatory peptides in intestine cells obtained from hemp industrial by-products. Food Research International. 2023. Vol: 174. Núm: 113616. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2023.113616.
Rivero-pino, Fernando;Villanueva-Lazo, Alvaro;Montserrat-De La Paz, Sergio;Sanchez-Fidalgo, Susana;Millán-Linares, Mª Carmen:
Evidence of Immunomodulatory Food-Protein Derived Peptides in Human Nutritional Interventions: Review on the Outcomes and Potential Limitations. Nutrients. 2023. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu15122681.
Montserrat-De La Paz, Sergio;Rivero-pino, Fernando;Villanueva-Lazo, Alvaro;Toscano, Rocio;Martín-Rubio, María Esther;Millán-Rodriguez, Francisco;Millán-Linares, Mª Carmen:
Nutritional composition, ultrastructural characterization, and peptidome profile of antioxidant hemp protein hydrolysates. Food Bioscience. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fbio.2023.102561.
Rivero-pino, Fernando;León-León, María José;Millán-Linares, Mª Carmen;Montserrat-De La Paz, Sergio:
Antimicrobial plant-derived peptides obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation as components to improve current food systems. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tifs.2023.03.005.
Rivero-pino, Fernando;Millán-Linares, Mª Carmen;Montserrat-De La Paz, Sergio:
Strengths and limitations of in silico tools to assess physicochemical properties, bioactivity, and bioavailability of food-derived peptides. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tifs.2023.06.023.
Rivero-pino, Fernando;G. Casanova, Alfredo :
Hepatotoxicity due to dietary supplements: state-of-the-art, gaps and perspectives. Critical Reviews in Toxicology. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1080/10408444.2023.2282415.
Rivero-pino, Fernando;Grao-Cruces, Elena;López, Soledad;Alba-Jimenez, Gonzalo;Marquez-paradas, Elvira;Claro-Cala, Carmen Maria;Santa -maria, Consuelo;Montserrat-De La Paz, Sergio:
Modulation of Beta-Amyloid-Activated Primary Human Neutrophils by Dietary Phenols from Virgin Olive Oil. Nutrients. 2023. Vol: 15. Núm: 941. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu15040941.
Montserrat-De La Paz, Sergio;de Miguel Albarreal, Antonio;González De La Rosa, Mª Teresa ;Millán-Linares, Mª Carmen;Rivero-pino, Fernando:
Protein-based nutritional strategies to manage the development of diabetes: Evidence and challenges on human studies . Food & Function. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1039/D3FO02466K.
Rivero-pino, Fernando:
Bioactive food-derived peptides for functional nutrition: Effect of fortification, processing and storage on peptide stability and bioactivity within . Food Chemistry. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.135046.
Rivero-pino, Fernando;Gonzalez -de La Rosa, Teresa;Montserrat-De La Paz, Sergio:
Edible insects as source of biopeptides and their role in immunonutrition. Food & Function. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1039/D3FO03901C.
Lemus , Ana;Rivero-pino, Fernando;Montserrat-De La Paz, Sergio;Millán-Linares, Mª Carmen:
Nutritional composition and biological activity of narrow-leafed lupins (Lupinus angustifolius L.) hydrolysates and seeds. Food Chemistry. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2023.136104.
Rivero-pino, Fernando;Millán-Linares, Mª Carmen;Villanueva-Lazo, Alvaro;Fernández, María África ;Montserrat-De La Paz, Sergio:
In vivo evidences of the health-promoting properties of bioactive compounds obtained from olive by-products and their use as food ingredient. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2023.
Rivero-pino, Fernando;Millán-Linares, Mª Carmen;Montserrat-De La Paz, Sergio:
Current Research on Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Obesity Potential of Food Extracts. Foods: Open Access Journal. 2023. Vol: 12. Núm: 5, 1013. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12051013.
Berraquero, Carmen;Rivero-pino, Fernando;Ospina, J. Lizeth;Pérez-Gálvez, Antonio Raúl;Espejo-Carpio, Francisco Javier;Guadix-Escobar, Antonio Maria;Garcia-Moreno, Pedro Jesus;Guadix-Escobar, Emilia Maria:
Activity, structural features and in silico digestion of antidiabetic peptides. Food Bioscience. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fbio.2023.102954.
Rivero-pino, Fernando:
Oleocanthal ¿ Characterization, production, safety, functionality and in vivo evidences. Food Chemistry. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2023.136504.
Montserrat-De La Paz, Sergio;Carrillo-berdasco, Gabriela;Rivero-pino, Fernando;Villanueva-Lazo, Alvaro;Millán-Linares, Mª Carmen:
Hemp Protein Hydrolysates Modulate Inflammasome-Related Genes in Microglial Cells. Biology. 2023. Vol: 12. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology12010049.
Martínez-López Alicia;Rivero-pino, Fernando;Villanueva-Lazo, Alvaro;Toscano, Rocio;Grao-Cruces, Elena;Márquez-paradas, Elvira;Martín-Rubio, María Esther;Montserrat-De La Paz, Sergio;Millán-Linares, Mª Carmen:
Kiwicha (Amaranthus Caudatus L.) protein hydrolysates reduce intestinal View Article Online DOI: 10.1039/D2FO02177C inflammation by modulating NLRP3 i. Food & Function. 2022. 10.1039/D2FO02177C..
Rivero-pino, Fernando;Espejo-Carpio, Francisco Javier;Guadix-Escobar, Emilia Maria:
Unravelling the ¿-glucosidase inhibitory properties of chickpea protein by enzymatic hydrolysis and in silico analysis. Food Bioscience. 2021. 10.1016/j.fbio.2021.101328.
Rivero-pino, Fernando;Espejo-Carpio, Francisco Javier;Guadix-Escobar, Emilia Maria:
Identification of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibitory peptides from vegetable protein sources. Food Chemistry. 2021. Vol: 354. Núm: 129473. 10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.129473.
Rivero-pino, Fernando;Guadix-Escobar, Antonio Maria;Guadix-Escobar, Emilia Maria:
Identification of novel dipeptidyl peptidase IV and ¿-glucosidase inhibitory peptides from Tenebrio molitor. Food & Function. 2021. Vol: 12. Núm: 2. Pág. 873-880. 10.1039/D0FO02696D.
Rivero-pino, Fernando;Padial Dominguez, Marta;Guadix-Escobar, Emilia Maria;Morales-medina, Rocío:
Novozyme 435 and Lipozyme RM IM Preferably Esterify Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids at the sn-2 Position. European Journal of Lipid Science And Technology. 2020. Vol: 122. Núm: 10. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejlt.202000115.
Rivero-pino, Fernando;Espejo-Carpio, Francisco Javier;Guadix-Escobar, Emilia Maria:
Bioactive fish hydrolysates resistance to food processing. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 2020. Vol: 117.
Rivero-pino, Fernando;Espejo-Carpio, Francisco Javier;Pérez-Gálvez, Antonio Raúl;Guadix-Escobar, Antonio Maria;Guadix-Escobar, Emilia Maria:
Effect of ultrasound pretreatment and sequential hydrolysis on the production of Tenebrio molitor antidiabetic peptides. Food and Bioproducts Processing: Transactions of the Institution of of Chemical Engineers, Part C. 2020. Vol: 123. Pág. 217-224. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fbp.2020.07.003.
Rivero-pino, Fernando;Pérez-Gálvez, Antonio Raúl;Espejo-Carpio, Francisco Javier;Guadix-Escobar, Emilia Maria:
Evaluation of Tenebrio molitor protein as a source of peptides for modulating physiological processes. Food & Function. 2020. Vol: 11. Núm: 5. Pág. 4376-4386. https://doi.org/10.1039/D0FO00734J.
Rivero-pino, Fernando;Espejo-Carpio, Francisco Javier;Guadix-Escobar, Emilia Maria:
Production and identification of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibitory peptides from discarded Sardine pilchardus protein. Food Chemistry. 2020. Vol: 328. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.127096.
Rivero-pino, Fernando;Espejo-Carpio, Francisco Javier;Guadix-Escobar, Emilia Maria:
Evaluation of the bioactive potential of foods fortified with fish protein hydrolysates. Food Research International. 2020. Vol: 137. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2020.109572.
Rivero-pino, Fernando;Espejo-Carpio, Francisco Javier;Guadix-Escobar, Emilia Maria:
Antidiabetic Food-Derived Peptides for Functional Feeding: Production, Functionality and In Vivo Evidences. Foods: Open Access Journal. 2020. Vol: 9. Núm: 8. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods9080983.

Tesis dirigidas o codirigidas

De Miguel-albarreal, Antonio:
La dieta mediterránea y la reducción del sedentarismo mejoran el perfil inmunometabólico de pacientes con pre-diabetes. Tesis Doctoral. 2023