The University of Seville creates 5,23 euro out of each euro it gets

A recent study states that the University of Seville generates 5,23 euro out of each euro it receives. This work takes into consideration aspects as the expenses by the institution itself, its staff and the students, as well as other activities, such as meetings, congresses, etc.

The total effect of the activity developed by the University of Seville on its region is 281.426.354 euro. In terms of the labour market, this activity generates 18.915 jobs, which means 29,27 full-time employees per million euro invested. Its relation with private corporations and public administrations, as well as research and consultant contracts, put the University of Seville in the second place according to the average contracted amount and in the third place if we consider the total amount between 2006 and 2014. Anyway, these figures put the University of Seville well above the average of the Spanish universities.

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