Marrero-Meléndez, Madelyn;RIVERO-CAMACHO, CRISTINA;Martínez-Rocamora, Alejandro;Alba-Rodríguez, Mª Desirée;Solís-Guzmán, Jaime:
Life Cycle Assessment of Industrial Building Construction and Recovery Potential. Case Studies in Seville. Processes. 2022. Vol: 10. Pág. 76-95. 10.3390/pr10010076.
Guamán-rivera, Robert;Martínez-Rocamora, Alejandro;García-alvarado, Rodrigo;Muñoz-sanguinetti, Claudia;González-böhme, Luis Felipe;Auat-cheein, Fernando:
Recent Developments and Challenges of 3D-Printed Construction: A Review of Research Fronts. Buildings. 2022. Vol: 12. Pág. 229-260. 10.3390/buildings12020229.
Guamán-rivera, Robert;Martínez-Rocamora, Alejandro;García-alvarado, Rodrigo;Auat-cheein, Fernando:
Workspace analysis of a mobile manipulator with obstacle avoidance in 3D printing tasks. Applied Sciences. 2021. Vol: 11. Núm: 2021. Pág. 7923-7938. 10.3390/app11177923.
Kairies-alvarado, Daniela;Muñoz-sanguinetti, Claudia;Martínez-Rocamora, Alejandro:
Contribution of energy efficiency standards to life-cycle carbon footprint reduction in public buildings in Chile. Energy and Buildings. 2021. Vol: 236. Núm: 2021. Pág. 110797-110808. 10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.110797.
Pulido-Arcas, Jesús Alberto;Martínez-Rocamora, Alejandro;Folgar-erades, Alejandro:
Influence of BIM-Based Teaching Methodology on the Spatial Abilities of Construction Engineering Students. Advances in Building Education. 2021. Vol: 5. Núm: 3. Pág. 9-26. 10.20868/abe.2021.3.4732.
Martínez-Rocamora, Alejandro;Rivera-Gomez, Carlos Alberto;Galan-Marin, Carmen;Marrero-Meléndez, Madelyn:
Environmental benchmarking of building typologies through BIM-based combinatorial case studies. Automation in Construction. 2021. Vol: 132. Núm: 2021. Pág. 103980-103996. 10.1016/j.autcon.2021.103980.
García-alvarado, Rodrigo;Martínez-Rocamora, Alejandro;González-böhme, Luis Felipe;Auat-cheein, Fernando:
Projections of 3D-printed construction in Chile. Revista de Ingeniería de Construcción. 2020. Vol: 35. Núm: 1. Pág. 60-72. 10.4067/S0718-50732020000100060.
Martínez-Rocamora, Alejandro;García-alvarado, Rodrigo;Casanova-medina, Euro;González-böhme, Luis Felipe;Auat-cheein, Fernando:
Parametric programming of 3D printed curved walls for cost-efficient building design. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 2020. Vol: 146. Núm: 5. Pág. 04020039-04020039. 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001811.
Forcael, Eric;Martínez-Rocamora, Alejandro;Sepúlveda-morales, Javier;García-alvarado, Rodrigo;Nope-bernal, Alberto;Leighton, Francisco:
Behavior and performance of BIM users in a collaborative work environment. Applied Sciences. 2020. Vol: 10. Núm: 6. Pág. 2199-2218. 10.3390/app10062199.
Guamán-rivera, Robert;García-alvarado, Rodrigo;Martínez-Rocamora, Alejandro;Auat-cheein, Fernando:
A comprehensive performance evaluation of different mobile 3 manipulators used as displaceable 3D printers of building elements for the construction i. Sustainability. 2020. Vol: 12. Núm: 11. Pág. 4378-4395. 10.3390/su12114378.
Marrero-Meléndez, Madelyn;Wojtasiewicz , Maciej;Martínez-Rocamora, Alejandro;Solís-Guzmán, Jaime;Alba-Rodríguez, Mª Desirée:
BIM-LCA Integration for the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Urbanization Process . Sustainability. 2020. Vol: 12. doi:10.3390/su12104196.
Galan-Marin, Carmen;Martínez-Rocamora, Alejandro;Solís-Guzmán, Jaime;Rivera-Gomez, Carlos Alberto:
Natural stabilized earth panels versus conventional façade systems. Economic and environmental impact assessment. Sustainability. 2018. Vol: 10. Núm: 4. 10.3390/su10041020.
Pérez-Fargallo, Alexis;Rubio -manzano, Clemente;Martínez-Rocamora, Alejandro;RUBIO-BELLIDO, CARLOS;Trebilcock-kelly, Maureen :
Linguistic descriptions of thermal comfort data for buildings: Definition, implementation and evaluation (Q2 - 1.673). Building Simulation: An International Journal. 2018. Vol: 11. Núm: 6. Pág. 1095-1108.
Solís-Guzmán, Jaime;RIVERO-CAMACHO, CRISTINA;Alba-Rodríguez, Mª Desirée;Martínez-Rocamora, Alejandro:
Carbon Footprint Estimation Tool for Residential Buildings for Non-Specialized Users: OERCO2 Project. Sustainability. 2018. Vol: 10. Núm: 1359. 10.3390/su10051359.
Martínez-Rocamora, Alejandro;Solís-Guzmán, Jaime;Marrero-Meléndez, Madelyn:
Ecological footprint of the use and maintenance phase of buildings: Maintenance tasks and final results. Energy and Buildings. 2017. Vol: 155. Pág. 339-351. 10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.09.038.
Alba-Rodríguez, Mª Desirée;Martínez-Rocamora, Alejandro;González-Vallejo, Patricia;Ferreira, Antonio;Marrero-Meléndez, Madelyn:
Building rehabilitation versus demolition and new construction: economic and environmental assessment. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2017. Vol: 66. Pág. 115-126. 10.1016/j.eiar.2017.06.002.
Martínez-Rocamora, Alejandro;Solís-Guzmán, Jaime;Marrero-Meléndez, Madelyn:
LCA databases focused on construction materials: A review. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2016. Vol: 58. Pág. 565-573. 10.1016/j.rser.2015.12.243.
Martínez-Rocamora, Alejandro;Solís-Guzmán, Jaime;Marrero-Meléndez, Madelyn:
Toward the Ecological Footprint of the use and maintenance phase of buildings: Utility consumption and cleaning tasks. Ecological Indicators. 2016. Vol: 69. Pág. 66-77. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.04.007.
Martínez-Rocamora, Alejandro;Pulselli, Riccardo Maria;Solís-Guzmán, Jaime;Marrero-Meléndez, Madelyn;Bastianoni, Simone:
Vertical Greenery Systems As Sustainable Solutions For Building Retrofitting: A Case Study. WIT Transactions on The Built Environment. 2014. Vol: 142. Pág. 127-135. 10.2495/ARC140121.
MOLERO-ALONSO, BORJA;Martínez-Rocamora, Alejandro;Barrera-Vera, José Antonio:
Virtual reconstruction of capitals. A case study.. Heritage and UNESCO sites. Memory, measure and harmony. 2013. Vol: 35. Núm: 1. Pág. 672-681.