Garzón, Antonio José;Hierro-Recio, Luis Angel:
Inflation, oil prices and exchange rates. The Euro's dampening effect. Journal of Policy Modeling. 2022.
Villar-Montero, Rafael;Olmo, Manuel;Atienza-Montero, Pedro;Garzón, Antonio José;Wright, Ian;Poorter, Hendrik;Hierro-Recio, Luis Angel:
Applying the economic concept of profitability to leaves. Scientific Reports. 2021. Vol: 11. Núm: 1.
Garzón, Antonio José;Hierro-Recio, Luis Angel:
Asymmetries in the transmission of oil price shocks to inflation in the eurozone. Economic Modelling. 2021. Vol: 105. Núm: December 2021.
Garzón, Antonio José;Hierro-Recio, Luis Angel;Apergis, Nicholas:
Oil trade rents and international income inequality. Revista de Economía Mundial. 2021. Vol: 58. Pág. 203-230.
Hierro-Recio, Luis Angel;Atienza-Montero, Pedro;Varo-morales, María;Garzón, Antonio José:
Determinants of fuel prices: dominant firms, local monopolies and `captive¿ demand. Regional Studies, Regional Science. 2020. Vol: 7. Núm: 1. Pág. 394-411.
Hierro-Recio, Luis Angel;Garzón, Antonio José;Atienza-Montero, Pedro;Márquez, José Luis:
Predicting mortality for Covid-19 in the US using the delayed elasticity method. Scientific Reports. 2020. Vol: 10. Núm: 20811.
Apergis, Nicholas;Garzón, Antonio José:
Greenhouse gas emissions convergence in Spain: evidence from the club clustering approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2020.
Garzón, Antonio José;Hierro-Recio, Luis Angel:
External effects of the war in Ukraine. The impact on the price of oil in the short-term. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy. 2019. Vol: 9. Núm: 2. Pág. 267-276.
Hierro-Recio, Luis Angel;Garzón, Antonio José;Helena Domínguez-Torres:
20 years of European Monetary Policy. From doctrinarism to realpolitik. Scientific Annals of Economics and Business. 2019. Vol: 66. Pág. 141-164.
Garzón, Antonio José;Hierro-Recio, Luis Angel:
Fracking, wars and stock market crashes. The price of oil during the Great Recession. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy. 2018. Vol: 8. Núm: 2. Pág. 20-30.