Predoctoral PIF VI Plan Propio


Correo electrónico


Biología Celular


Grupo de investigación


Asistencia a congresos

Fernández, Santiago;Pérez, Pablo;Martín, Daniel;Huertas-Sánchez, Gloria;Olmo-Fernández, Alberto;Yufera-Garcia, Alberto;Delano, Maggie:
Enhancing the Precision of AD5940 Segmental Bioimpedance Measurements through Self-Calibration. Comunicación en congreso. IEEE BioSensors 2023. Londres. 2023
Fernández, Santiago;Martín, Daniel;Pérez, Pablo;Huertas-Sánchez, Gloria;Medrano-Ortega, Francisco Javier;Yufera-Garcia, Alberto:
A low power approach to body position estimation for HF patient monitoring by an ankle positioned Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). Comunicación en congreso. 37th Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Circuits (DCIS). Panplona (Spain). 2022
Martín, Daniel;Pérez, Pablo;Martín-Rubio, María Esther;Daza-Navarro, Paula;Serrano, Juan Alfonso ;Huertas-Sánchez, Gloria;Yufera-Garcia, Alberto:
Effects of Electrical Fields on Neuroblastoma (N2A) Cell Differentiation: Preliminary Results. Comunicación en congreso. 14th International Conference on Biomedical electronics and devices. On line Streaming/Viena, Austria. 2021

Artículos publicados

Fernández, Santiago;Gimenez, Luis;Pérez, Pablo;Martín, Daniel;Olmo-Fernández, Alberto;Huertas-Sánchez, Gloria;Medrano-Ortega, Francisco Javier;Yufera-Garcia, Alberto:
From Bioimpedance to Volume Estimation: A Model for Edema Calculus in Human Legs. Electronics. 2023.
Fernández, Santiago;Pérez, Pablo;Oprescu, Andreea;Martín, Daniel;Olmo-Fernández, Alberto;Huertas-Sánchez, Gloria;Yufera-Garcia, Alberto:
Body posture determination for Heart Failure patients from ankle orientation measurements. IEEE Access. 2023. 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3261554.
Fernández, Santiago;Gímenez-miranda, Luis;Pérez, Pablo;Martín, Daniel;Medrano-Ortega, Francisco Javier;Huertas-Sánchez, Gloria;Yufera-Garcia, Alberto:
Bioimpedance Spectroscopy-Based Edema Supervision Wearable System for Noninvasive Monitoring of Heart Failure. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2023. 10.1109/TIM.2023.3273662.
Pérez, Pablo;Serrano, Juan Alfonso ;Fernández-scagliusi, Santiago J.;Martín, Daniel;Huertas-Sánchez, Gloria;Yufera-Garcia, Alberto:
Oscillation-Based Spectroscopy for Cell-Culture Monitorization. Frontiers In Electronics. 2022. https://doi.org/10.3389/felec.2022.836669.
Martín, Daniel;Bocio, Jesús;Scagliusi, Santiago;Pérez, Pablo;Huertas-Sánchez, Gloria;Yufera-Garcia, Alberto;Giner-García, Mercedes;Daza-Navarro, Paula:
DC electrical stimulation enhances proliferation and differentiation on N2a and MC3T3 cell lines. Journal of Biological Engineering. 2022. Vol: 16. Núm: 27. Pág. 1-13. 10.1186/s13036-022-00306-8.