Cardenas-Escudero, Manuel;Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus;Quintero-Toscano, Antonio Rafael;ROY-, RANJA:
Quasi-isometries and proper homotopy: the quasi-isometry invariance of proper 3-realizability of groups. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2018.
Cardenas-Escudero, Manuel;Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus;Quintero-Toscano, Antonio Rafael;ROY-, RANJA:
A Note on Group Extensions and Proper 3-Realizability. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics. 2016. Vol: 13. Núm: 5. Pág. 3303-3309. 10.1007/s00009-016-0686-8.
Cardenas-Escudero, Manuel;Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus:
The proper Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of semistable one-ended 3-manifolds. Topology and its Applications. 2013. Vol: 160 . Pág. 720-729. 10.1016/j.topol.2013.01.012.
Quintero-Toscano, Antonio Rafael;Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus;Cardenas-Escudero, Manuel:
The proper Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of semistable one-ended 3-manifolds. Topology and its Applications. 2013. Vol: 160. Pág. 720-729. 10.1016/j.topol.2013.01.
Cardenas-Escudero, Manuel;Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus;Quintero-Toscano, Antonio Rafael;Repovs, Dusan:
On manifolds with nonhomogeneous factors. Central European Journal of Mathematics. 2012. Vol: 10. Núm: 3. Pág. 857-862. 10.2478/s11533.012-0026-6.
Cardenas-Escudero, Manuel;Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus;Quintero-Toscano, Antonio Rafael:
DETECTING COHOMOLOGY CLASSES FOR THE PROPER LS CATEGORY. THE CASE OF SEMISTABLE 3-MANIFOLDS. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 2012. Vol: 152. Núm: 2. Pág. 223-249. 10.1017/S0305004111000417.
Funar-,Louis;Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus;Repovs-, Dusan:
Groups which are not properly 3-realizable. Revista Matemática Iberoamericana. 2012. Vol: 28. Núm: 2. Pág. 401-414. doi 10.4171/rmi/682.
Cardenas-Escudero, Manuel;Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus;Quintero-Toscano, Antonio Rafael;Repovs-, Dusan:
ONE-RELATOR GROUPS ARE PROPERLY 3-REALIZABLE. Revista Matemática Iberoamericana. 2009. Vol: 25. Pág. 739-756.
Cardenas-Escudero, Manuel;Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus;Quintero-Toscano, Antonio Rafael;Repovs-, Dusan:
AMALGAMATED PRODUCTS AND PROPERLY 3-REALIZABLE GROUPS. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 2007. Vol: 208. Núm: 1. Pág. 293-296.
Cardenas-Escudero, Manuel;Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus;Quintero-Toscano, Antonio Rafael:
PROPERLY 3-REALIZABLE GROUPS. Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2007. Vol: 144. Núm: 5. Pág. 4431-4436.
Cardenas-Escudero, Manuel;Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus;Muro-Jiménez, Fernando;Quintero-Toscano, Antonio Rafael:
PROPER L-S CATEGORY, FUNDAMENTAL PRO-GROUPS AND 2-DIMENSIONAL PROPER CO-H-SPACES. Topology and its Applications. 2005. Vol: 153. Núm: 4. Pág. 580-604.
Cardenas-Escudero, Manuel;Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus:
ON PROPERLY 3-REALIZABLE GROUPS. Topology and its Applications. 2005. Vol: 153. Pág. 337-349.
Cardenas-Escudero, Manuel;Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus:
PROPERLY 3-REALIZABLE GROUPS: A SURVEY. Contemporary Mathematics. 2005. Vol: 372. Pág. 1-9.
Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus:
ASCENDING HNN-EXTENSIONS AND PROPERLY 3-REALIZABLE GROUPS. Australian Mathematical Society. Bulletin. 2005. Vol: 72. Núm: 2. Pág. 187-196.
Ayala-Gomez, Rafael;Cardenas-Escudero, Manuel;Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus;Quintero-Toscano, Antonio Rafael:
PROPERLY 3-REALIZABLE GROUPS. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2005. Vol: 133. Núm: 5. Pág. 1527-1535.
Cardenas-Escudero, Manuel;Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus;Quintero-Toscano, Antonio Rafael:
PROPERLY 3-REALIZABLE GROUPS. Fundamental and Applied Mathematics. 2005. Vol: 11. Pág. 95-103.
Repovs-, Dusan;Garity-,Dennis;Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus:
TOPOLOGY OF 2-DIMENSIONAL COMPLEXES. Topology Proceedings. 2005. Vol: 29. Núm: 2. Pág. 491-508.
Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus;Cardenas-Escudero, Manuel;Roy-, R.:
DIRECT PRODUCTS AND PR0PERLY 3-REALIZABLE GROUPS. Australian Mathematical Society. Bulletin. 2004. Vol: 70. Pág. 199-205.
Cardenas-Escudero, Manuel;Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus;Fernandez-Bayort, Tomás;Quintero-Toscano, Antonio Rafael:
EMBEDDING PROPER HOMOTOPY TYPES IN EUCLIDEAN SPACES. Colloquium Mathematicum. 2003. Vol: 95. Núm: 1. Pág. 1-20.
Cardenas-Escudero, Manuel;Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus;Quintero-Toscano, Antonio Rafael:
MINIMAL COVERS OF OPEN MANIFOLDS WITH HALF-SPACES AND THE PROPER L-S CATEGORY OF PRODUCT SPACES. Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society Simon Stevin. 2002. Vol: 9. Núm: 3. Pág. 419-431.
Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus:
A NOTE ON FAKE SURFACES AND UNIVERSAL COVERS. Topology and its Applications. 2002. Vol: 125. Núm: 3. Pág. 497-504.
Ayala-Gomez, Rafael;Quintero-Toscano, Antonio Rafael;Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus:
THE EQUIVARIANT CATEGORY OF PROPER G-SPACES. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics. 2001. Vol: 31. Núm: 4. Pág. 1111-1132.
Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus:
AN OBSTRUCTION TO 3-DIMENSIONAL THICKENINGS. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2000. Vol: 128. Núm: 3. Pág. 893-902.
Fernandez-Lasheras, Francisco Jesus:
UNIVERSAL COVERS AND 3-MANIFOLDS. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 2000. Vol: 151. Núm: 2. Pág. 163-172.