Del Valle, José Carlos;CASIMIRO-SORIGUER-CAMACHO, INÉS;Buide-Del Real, Mª Luisa;Narbona-Fernandez, Francisco Eduardo;Whittall, Justen B.:
La secuenciación del plastoma completo en la sección Psammophilae (Silene) revela un proceso de hibridación en poblaciones interiores y divergencia en. Comunicación en congreso. I Simposio Anual de Botánica Española 2020. Sevilla. 2020
Del Valle, José Carlos;Alcalde-eon, Cristina;Escribano-bailón, Mª Teresa;Buide-Del Real, Mª Luisa;Whittall, Justen B.;Narbona-Fernandez, Francisco Eduardo:
Vegetative anthocyanins are needed to generate stable petal colour polymorphism in an annual plant. Comunicación en congreso. 1st Meeting of the Iberian Ecologic al Society & XIV AEET Meeting 2019. . BARCELONA (España). 2019
Alcalde-eon, Cristina;Del Valle, José Carlos;Buide-Del Real, Mª Luisa;Narbona-Fernandez, Francisco Eduardo;Escribano-bailón, Mª Teresa:
Anthocyanin and flavone composition in different plant parts of the flower color polymorphic Silene littorea Brot.. Poster en Congreso. XXIXth International Conference on Polyphenols 9th Tannin Conference 2018. Madison, Wisconsis (EEUU). 2018
Del Valle, José Carlos;Narbona-Fernandez, Francisco Eduardo;Buide-Del Real, Mª Luisa;Whittall, Justen B.:
Rethinking adaptative and maladaptative color polymorphism: the case of Silene littorea white-petal mutant. Ponencia en Congreso. Congreso Anual sobre Ecología de la Polinización de la Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestes. UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA. 2017
Del Valle, José Carlos;CASIMIRO-SORIGUER-CAMACHO, INÉS;Buide-Del Real, Mª Luisa;Narbona-Fernandez, Francisco Eduardo;Whittall, Justen B.:
Flavonoids accumulation under Mediterranean stressing environmental conditions: Dissecting the cause of a latitudinal gradient in floral and vegetativ. Ponencia en Congreso. XIV MEDECOS & XIII AEET Meeting: Human driven scenarios for evolutionary and ecological changes. Sevilla. 2017
Del Valle, José Carlos;CASIMIRO-SORIGUER-CAMACHO, INÉS;Buide-Del Real, Mª Luisa;Narbona-Fernandez, Francisco Eduardo;Whittall, Justen B.:
Phylogeographic Evidence from Three Genomes and Genetic Structure in Iberian Silene: A Special Case of Speciation by Small Sea Barrier. Ponencia en Congreso. Botany 2016 Conference. GEORGIA, SAVANNAH, USA. 2016
CASIMIRO-SORIGUER-CAMACHO, INÉS;Narbona-Fernandez, Francisco Eduardo;Buide-Del Real, Mª Luisa;Del Valle, José Carlos;Whittall, Justen B.:
Transcriptome analysis of the petal of Silene littorea. Ponencia en Congreso. Caryophyllales 2015. Berlín, Alemania. 2015
Del Valle, José Carlos;CASIMIRO-SORIGUER-CAMACHO, INÉS;Buide-Del Real, Mª Luisa;Narbona-Fernandez, Francisco Eduardo;Whittall, Justen B.:
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Phylogeographic Evidence from Three Genomes in Iberian Silene. Ponencia en Congreso. Caryophyllales 2015. Berlín, Alemania. 2015
Del Valle, José Carlos;CASIMIRO-SORIGUER-CAMACHO, INÉS;Buide-Del Real, Mª Luisa;Narbona-Fernandez, Francisco Eduardo:
Flower colour polymorphism in Silene littorea: the white-petal morph shows anthocyanin and other flavonoids in the rest of the plant. Poster en Congreso. Ecology at the Interface: Science-based solutions for human well being. - Roma, Italia. 2015
Buide-Del Real, Mª Luisa;Del Valle, José Carlos;CASIMIRO-SORIGUER-CAMACHO, INÉS;Whittall, Justen B.;Narbona-Fernandez, Francisco Eduardo:
The highly variable accumulation of anthocyanins and other flavonoids in reproductive and vegetative tissues of Silene littorea depends on the lattitu. Poster en Congreso. International Workshop of Anthocyanins . Montpellier. 2015
Del Valle, José Carlos;Buide-Del Real, Mª Luisa;CASIMIRO-SORIGUER-CAMACHO, INÉS;Whittall, Justen B.;Narbona-Fernandez, Francisco Eduardo:
Life on the beach: variable accumulation of anthocyanins and other flavonoids in reproductive and vegetative tissues of Silene littorea. Ponencia en Congreso. Ecology at the Interface: Science-based solutions for human well being. - Roma, Italia. 2015
Del Valle, José Carlos;Buide-Del Real, Mª Luisa;Pissatto, Mónica;Narbona-Fernandez, Francisco Eduardo:
Reproductive barriers in sympatry: selfing as a way to avoid interspecific pollen transfer between two moth-pollinated species. Poster en Congreso. Ecology at the Interface: Science-based solutions for human well being. - Roma, Italia. 2015
Del Valle, José Carlos;Collado, Miguel Ángel;Narbona-Fernandez, Francisco Eduardo;Buide-Del Real, Mª Luisa;Whittall, Justen B.:
How is maintained the flower-color polymorphism in Silene littorea?. Ponencia en Congreso. XII Reunión de Trabajo ECOFLOR. . 2015
Del Valle, José Carlos;Buide-Del Real, Mª Luisa;CASIMIRO-SORIGUER-CAMACHO, INÉS;Narbona-Fernandez, Francisco Eduardo:
Variable anthocyanins accumulation in floral and vegetative tissues in Silene littorea (Caryophyllaceae). Ponencia en Congreso. XI Reunión Anual de la Red Temática Ecoflor. PUERTO REAL (CADIZ). 2014
Narbona-Fernandez, Francisco Eduardo;Buide-Del Real, Mª Luisa;Del Valle, José Carlos;Whittall, Justen B.:
Flower color polymorphism in Silene littorea along the Iberian coast: transcriptome analysis reveals downregulation of floral anthocyanins genes. Poster en Congreso. Evolution. Utah. 2013