Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;Pedregal-Tercero, Diego Jose:
From legislation to compliance: The power of traffic law enforcement for the case study of Spain. Transport Policy. 2019. Vol: 75. Pág. 1-19.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;Del Pozo-Barajas, Rafael:
At a time of insurgent parties, can societies believe in election Polls? The Spanish Experience. Revista de Economía Aplicada. 2018. Vol: 26. Núm: 78. Pág. 81-97.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;Sanchez-Braza, Antonio:
When the Mall is in the Airport: Measuring the Effect of the Airport Mall on Passengers' Consumer Behavior. Journal of Air Transport Management. 2018. Vol: 72. Núm: September 2018. Pág. 32-38. 10.1016/j.jairtraman.2018.07.003.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;Vasallo, Florencia:
An assessment of road traffic accidents in Spain: the role of tourism. Current Issues in Tourism. 2018. 10.1080/13683500.2018.1548581.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;González-Laxe, Fernando;Pedregal-Tercero, Diego Jose:
Legal reform and the devolution of the Spanish port system: an econometric assessment. Utilities Policy. 2018. Vol: 50. Pág. 73-82. 10.1016/j.jup.2017.10.003.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes:
What does cruise passengers' satisfaction depend on? Does size really matter?. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 2018. Vol: 75. Pág. 116-118.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes:
When Las Vegas takes to the sea: New trends in cruising. Tourism Economics. 2018. Vol: 24. Pág. 135-140. 10.1177/1354816617706867.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;Vassallo, Florencia:
The complex relationship between increases to speed limits and traffic fatalities: Evidence from a meta-analysis. Safety Science. 2018. Vol: 111. Pág. 287-297. 10.1016/j.ssci.2018.08.030.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;Pedregal-Tercero, Diego Jose;Garrido, Jose:
High Speed Rail: Fast tracking tourism in the EU?. Annals of Tourism Research. 2018. Vol: 71. Pág. 64-66. 10.1016/j.annals.2018.02.005.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;Sanz-Diaz, Maria Teresa;Yñiguez-Ovando, Rocio:
To take or not to take the laptop or tablet to classes, that is the question. Computers in Human Behavior. 2017. Vol: 68. Núm: March 2017. Pág. 326-333.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Fageda-, Xavier;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes:
An assessment of the effects of alcohol consumption and prevention policies on traffic fatality rates in the enlarged EU. Time for zero alcohol tolera. Transportation Research. Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 2017. Vol: 50. Pág. 38-49. 10.1016/j.trf.2017.06.017.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;Del Pozo-Barajas, Rafael:
Six months and two parliamentary elections in Spain: December, 2015 and June, 2016. The end of the two-party system?. Electoral Studies. 2017. Vol: 45. Pág. 157-160.
Brey-Sánchez, Raúl;Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;Marchena-Gomez, Manuel;Sanchez-Braza, Antonio:
Is the Widespread Use of Urban Land for Cycling Promotion Policies Cost Effective? A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Case of Seville. Land Use Policy. 2017. Vol: 63. Núm: April 2017. Pág. 130-139.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;Pedregal-Tercero, Diego Jose:
Measuring the LCC effect on charter airlines in the Spanish airport system. Journal of Air Transport Management. 2017. Vol: 65. Pág. 110-117. 10.1016/j.jairtraman.2017.09.007.
Brey-Sánchez, Raúl;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;Marchena-Gomez, Manuel:
Is the widespread use of urban land for cycling promotion policies cost effective? A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the case of Seville. Land Use Policy. 2017. Vol: 63. Pág. 130-139. 1016/j.landusepol.2017.01.007.
Brey-Sánchez, Raúl;Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes:
I want to ride my bicycle: delimiting cyclist typologies. Applied Economics Letters. 2017. Vol: 24. Núm: 8 - 2017. Pág. 549-552.
Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Fageda-, Xavier:
The role of road safety in a sustainable urban mobility: An econometric assessment of the Spanish NUTS-3 case. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. 2017. Vol: 12. Núm: 3. Pág. 205-217. 10.1080/15568318.2017.1346733.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Fageda-, Xavier;Gonzalez-aregall, Marta:
Evaluating the effects of the latest change in Spanish port legislation: Another turn of the screw in port reform?. Case Studies on Transport Policy. 2016. Vol: 4. Núm: 2. Pág. 170-177. 10.1016/j.cstp.2015.01.005.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;Sanchez-Braza, Antonio:
Going a Long Way? On Your Bike! Comparing the Distances for Which Public Bicycle Sharing System and Private Bicycles Are Used. Applied Geography. 2016. Vol: 71. Núm: June 2016. Pág. 95-105. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2016.04.003.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Pedregal-Tercero, Diego Jose;Del Pozo-Barajas, Rafael:
An econometric evaluation of the management of large-scale transport infrastructure in Spain during the great recession: lessons for infrastructure bu. Economic Modelling. 2016. Vol: 53. Pág. 302-313. 10.1016/j.econmod.2015.11.028.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Sanz-Diaz, Maria Teresa;Yñiguez-Ovando, Rocio:
Does pressing a button make it easier to pass an exam? Evaluating the efectiveness of interactive technologies in higher education. British Journal of Educational Technology. 2016. Vol: 47. Núm: 4. Pág. 710-720. 10.1111/bjet.12258.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Fageda-, Xavier:
Exploring the relationship between truck load capacity and traffic accidents in the European Union. Transportation Research. Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2016. Vol: 88. Pág. 94-109. 10.1016/j.tre.2016.02.003.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;Sanz-Diaz, Maria Teresa;Yñiguez-Ovando, Rocio:
Measuring the effect of ARS on academic performance: a global meta-analysis. Computers & Education. 2016. Vol: 96. Pág. 109-121. 10.1016/j.compedu.2016.02.007.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Fageda-, Xavier:
Can cars and trucks coexist peacefully on highways? Analyzing the effectiveness of road safety policies in Europe. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2015. Vol: 77. Pág. 120-126. 10.1016/j.aap.2015.01.010.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes:
Who is the charter passenger? Characteristics and attitudes of the least-known passenger. Tourism Economics. 2015. Vol: 21. Núm: 5. Pág. 1079-1085.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;Alanis-inurria, Francisco Jose:
Tourism managers' view of the economic impact of Cruise Traffic: the case of southern Spain. Current Issues in Tourism. 2015. Vol: 18. Núm: 7. Pág. 701-705. 10.1080/13683500.2014.907776.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes:
Analyzing the transition from a public bicycle system to bicycle ownership: A complex relationship. Transportation Research. Part D: Transport & Environment. 2015. Vol: 38. Pág. 15-26.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;Marchena-Gomez, Manuel:
Seville: a city with two souls. Cities. 2015. Vol: 42. Núm: A. Pág. 142-151. 10.1016/j.cities.2014.10.005.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Del Pozo-Barajas, Rafael;Trapero, Juan Ramón:
Measuring the substitution effects between High Speed Rail and air transport in Spain. Journal of Transport Geography. 2015. Vol: 43. Núm: 2015. Pág. 59-65. 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2015.01.008.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Fageda-, Xavier:
Can health public expenditure reduce the tragic consequences of road traffic accidents? The EU-27 experience. The European Journal of Health Economics. 2014. Vol: 15. Núm: 6. Pág. 645-652. 10.1007/s10198-013-0512-1.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Fageda-, Xavier:
Are traffic violators criminals? Searching for answers in the experiences of European countries. Transport Policy. 2014. Vol: 38. Pág. 86-94. 10.1016/j.tranpol.2014.12.003.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Fageda-, Xavier;González-Laxe, Fernando:
An analysis of the determinants of cruise traffic: an empirical application to the Spanish port system. Transportation Research. Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2014. Vol: 66. Pág. 115-125. 10.1016/j.tre.2014.03.008.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes:
Living "up in the air": meeting the frequent flyer passenger. Journal of Air Transport Management. 2014. Vol: 40. Pág. 48-55. 10.1016/j.jairtraman.2014.06.002.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;Asencio-Flores, Juan Pedro:
Extending pedestrianization processes outside the old city center; conflict and benefits in the case of the city of Seville. Habitat International. 2014. Vol: 44. Pág. 194-201. 10.1016/j.habitatint.2014.06.005.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Pedregal-Tercero, Diego Jose:
The trend towards convergence in road accident fatality rates in Europe: the contributions of non-economic variables. Transport Policy. 2014. Vol: 35. Pág. 229-240. 10.1016/j.tranpol.2014.05.021.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Fageda-, Xavier:
How are investments allocated in a publicly-owned port system? Political factors vs. economic criteria. Regional Studies. 2014. Vol: 48. Núm: 7. Pág. 1279-1294.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Pedregal-Tercero, Diego Jose:
Temporary speed limit changes: an econometric estimation of the effects of the Spanish Energy Efficiency and Saving Plan. Economic Modelling. 2014. Vol: 44. Núm: 1. Pág. 68-76. 10.1016/j.econmod.2014.01.032.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes:
Can LCCs economic efficiency create negative externalities for air transport? An analysis of passenger waiting time. Applied Economics Letters. 2014. Vol: 21. Núm: 13. Pág. 878-881. 10.1080/13504851.2014.896972.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Fageda-, Xavier:
Could being in the European Union save lives? An econometric analysis of the Common Road Safety Policy for the EU-27. Journal of European Public Policy. 2014. Vol: 21. Núm: 2. Pág. 211-229. 10.1080/13501763.2013.829580.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;González-Laxe, Fernando;Pedregal-Tercero, Diego Jose:
An econometric analysis of the Spanish fresh fish market. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2013. Vol: 71. Núm: 3. Pág. 628-635. 10.1093/icesjms/fst186.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;González-Laxe, Fernando;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes:
Intermodal connections at Spanish ports and their role in capturing hinterland traffic. Ocean & Coastal Management. 2013. Vol: 86. Pág. 1-12. 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2013.10.003.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes:
Analysing passenger behaviour towards the catering industry: Implications for airport management. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 2013. Vol: 35. Pág. 258-260. 10.1016/j.ijhm.2013.06.010.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;González-Laxe, Fernando:
Profiling the purpose of travel: new empirical evidence. Annals of Tourism Research. 2013. Vol: 42. Pág. 425-428. 10.1016/j.annals.2013.02.004.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes:
Check-in services and passenger behavior: Self service technologies in airport systems. Computers in Human Behavior. 2013. Vol: 29. Núm: 6. Pág. 2431-2437. 10.1016/j.chb.2013.05.030.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Sanchez-Braza, Antonio:
Managing a Smart Bicycle System When Demand Outstrips Supply: The Case of the University Community in Seville. Transportation. 2013. Vol: 40. Núm: 2. Pág. 459-477. doi:10.1007/s11116-012-9424-7.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;Marchena-Gomez, Manuel;Pedregal-Tercero, Diego Jose:
How much does water consumption drop when each household takes charge of its own consumption? The case of the city of Seville. Applied Economics. 2013. Vol: 45. Núm: 32. Pág. 4465-4473. 10.1080/00036846.2013.788785.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Sanchez-Braza, Antonio:
Can Anyone Hate the Bicycle? The Hunt for an Optimal Local Transportation Policy to Encourage Bicycle Usage. Environmental Politics. 2013. Vol: 22 (6). Núm: 6. Pág. 1010-1028. 10.1080/09644016.2012.740936.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;Pedregal-Tercero, Diego Jose:
What role will hubs play in the low-cost carriers point-to-point connections era? The Spanish Experience. Journal of Transport Geography. 2012. Vol: 24. Núm: 1. Pág. 262-270.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;Pedregal-Tercero, Diego Jose:
How can effects of the introduction of a new airline on a national airline network be measured?A time series approach for the ryanair case in Spain .. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy. 2012. Vol: 46. Núm: 2. Pág. 263-279.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes:
Los estudios de impacto económico portuarios: ¿el mejor instrumento de relaciones públicas o el heraldo de la sobreinversión?. Papeles de Economía Española. 2012. Vol: 131. Pág. 200-208.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Pedregal-Tercero, Diego Jose;Del Pozo-Barajas, Rafael:
Assessing fear of flying after a plane crash. The "Rainman effect" - Myth or reality?. Journal of Air Transport Management. 2012. Vol: 20. Núm: 1. Pág. 20-22. 10.1016/j.jairtraman.2011.10.006.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Asencio-Flores, Juan Pedro:
Competition between new port governance models on the Iberian Peninsula. Transport Reviews. 2012. Vol: 32. Núm: 4. Pág. 519-537. 10.1080/01441647.2012.662538.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Pedregal-Tercero, Diego Jose:
How many lives can bloody and shocking road safety advertising save? The case of Spain. Transportation Research. Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 2012. Vol: 15. Núm: 2. Pág. 174-187.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes:
Driving licenses based on points system: an efficient road safety strategy or a global fashion policy? A worldwide meta-analysis.. Transport Policy. 2012. Vol: 21. Núm: 1. Pág. 191-201.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;González-Laxe, Fernando:
The effects of the LCC boom on the urban tourism fabric: The viewpoint of tourism managers.. Tourism Management. 2011. Vol: 32. Núm: 5. Pág. 1085-1095. 10.1016/j.tourman.2010.09.008.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Sanchez-Braza, Antonio:
An Evaluation of the Establishment of a Taxi Flat Rate from City to Airport: The Case of Seville. Urban Studies: an international journal for research in urban studies. 2011. Vol: 48. Núm: 9. Pág. 1909-1924. 10.1177/0042098010380957.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Marchena-Gomez, Manuel:
Analysis of determinants of airline choice: Profiling the LCC passenger. Applied Economics Letters. 2011. Vol: 18. Núm: 1. Pág. 49-53. 10.1080/13504850903425108.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Pedregal-Tercero, Diego Jose:
Can fear of going to jail bring down the number of road fatalities? The Spanish Experience. Journal of Safety Research. 2011. Vol: 42. Núm: 3. Pág. 223-228. 10.1016/j.jsr.2011.03.004.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;González-Laxe, Fernando:
Political coordination costs in the Spanish port devolution process: A note. Ocean & Coastal Management. 2010. Vol: 53. Núm: 9. Pág. 577-580.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio:
Determinants of commercial revenues at airports: Lessons learned from Spanish regional airports. Tourism Management. 2010. Vol: 31. Núm: 6. Pág. 788-796.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Pedregal-Tercero, Diego Jose:
An econometric analysis of the effects of the penalty points system license in Spain. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2010. Vol: 42. Núm: 4. Pág. 1310-1319. 10.1016/j.aap.2010.02.009.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes:
The decline of the traditional Travel Agent Model. Transportation Research. Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2010. Vol: 46. Núm: 5. Pág. 639-649.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Florido-Del Corral, David;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes:
Fisheries traffic: the poor relation of port devolution. Lessons from Spanish state ports of general interest.. Marine Policy. 2010. Vol: 34. Núm: 1. Pág. 189-192.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio:
El sistema portuario español: Buscando un nuevo rumbo. Economistas. 2010. Vol: 123. Pág. 290-295.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio:
The city-airport connection in the low-cost carrier era: Implications for urban transport planning. Journal of Air Transport Management. 2010. Vol: 16. Núm: 6. Pág. 295-298.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;González-Laxe, Fernando;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;Arévalo-Quijada, Mª Teresa:
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes:
Urban retail fabric and the metro: a complex relationship. Lessons from middle-sized Spanish cities. Cities. 2009. Vol: 26. Núm: 3. Pág. 141-147.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;Pérez-García, Javier José:
ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE SPANISH PORT SECTOR REFORM DURING THE 1990S. Transportation Research. Part A: Policy & Practice. 2008. Vol: 42. Núm: 8. Pág. 1056-1063.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes;Pérez-García, Javier José:
ANÁLISIS DEL IMPACTO DE LAS LEYES DE 1992 Y 1997 SOBRE EL SISTEMA PORTUARIO ESPAÑOL. Boletín Económico de ICE. 2006. Núm: 2871. Pág. 47-59.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes:
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Lopez-Valpuesta, Lourdes:
Análisis de los efectos económicos de los proyectos de inversión del puerto de Sevilla: la nueva esclusa y el dragado de la ría. Boletín Información Mensual - Puertos del Estado. 2002. Núm: Febrero 2012.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio:
El puerto Bahía de Algeciras, un enclave estratégico en Andalucía. Estudios de Economía Gaditana. 2001. Núm: Primer Semestre.
Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio;Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes:
El impacto económico del puerto de Ceuta sobre la economía ceutí. Boletín Información Mensual - Puertos del Estado. 2001. Núm: 85. Pág. 12-14.
Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio:
El impacto económico del puerto bahía de Algeciras sobre la economía andaluza y sobre la comarca campo gibraltareña. Boletín Información Mensual - Puertos del Estado. 2000. Núm: 72. Pág. 8-11.
Castro-Nuño, Maria Mercedes;Castillo-Manzano, Jose Ignacio:
El impacto económico del puerto de Sevilla sobre la economía andaluza. Boletín Información Mensual - Puertos del Estado. 1999. Núm: 70. Pág. 10-13.