Castro-Mendez, Aurora;Palomo-Toucedo, Inmaculada Concepción;Pabón-Carrasco , Manuel;Ramos-Ortega, Javier;Díaz -Mancha, Juan Antonio ;Fernández-seguín, Lourdes María :
Custom-Made Foot Orthoses as Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain and Pronated Foot Treatment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021. Vol: 18. Núm: 13.
Escamilla-martínez, Elena;Gomez -maldonado, Ana;Gomez -martín, Beatriz;Castro-Mendez, Aurora;Díaz -Mancha, Juan Antonio ;Fernandez -seguin, Lourdes:
An Assessment of Balance through Posturography in Healthy about Women: An Observational Study. Sensors. 2021. Vol: 21.
Fernández-Seguín, Lourdes M;Díaz -Mancha, Juan Antonio ;González-García, Paula;Ramos-Ortega, Javier;Munuera-Martínez, Pedro Vicente:
Immediate and short-term radiological changes after combining static stretching and transcutaneous electrical stimulation in adults with cavus foot. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019. Vol: 98. Núm: 46. Pág. 1-7. 10.1097/MD.0000000000018018.
Fernández-Seguín, Lourdes M;Heredia-Rizo, Alberto Marcos;Díaz -Mancha, Juan Antonio ;González-García, Paula;Munuera-Martínez, Pedro Vicente:
Immediate and short-term radiological changes after combining static stretching and transcutaneous electrical stimulation in adults with cavus foot: A. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019. Vol: 98. Núm: 46. 10.1097/MD.0000000000018018.
Gómez-martín, B;Escamilla-martínez, E.;Fernández-Seguín, Lourdes M;Santiago-sáez, A.;Sánchez-sánchez, J.a.;Díaz -Mancha, Juan Antonio :
Age Estimation Based on a Radiographic Study of the Growing Foot. Journal of American Podiatric Medical Association. 2017. Vol: 107. Núm: 2. Pág. 106-111. 10.7547/15-163.
Díaz -Mancha, Juan Antonio ;Castillo-López, José Manuel;Munuera-Martínez, Pedro Vicente;Fernández-Seguín, Lourdes M;Polo Padilla, Juan;Heredia-Rizo, Alberto Marcos:
A Comparison of Fourth-Year Health Sciences Students' Knowledge of Gross Lower and Upper Limb Anatomy: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. 2016. Vol: 39. Núm: 6. Pág. 450-457. 10.1016/j.jmpt.2016.05.007.
Otero-Saborido, Fernando Manuel;Carmona-Márquez, Jose;Albornoz-Cabello, Manuel;Calvo, A. ;Díaz -Mancha, Juan Antonio :
METODOLOGÍA DE ENSEÑANZA DE LOS DEPORTES DE INVASIÓN EN PRIMARIA. Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte. 2014. Vol: 14. Núm: 53. Pág. 69-87.
Otero-Saborido, Fernando Manuel;Albornoz-Cabello, Manuel;Calvo, A;Díaz -Mancha, Juan Antonio :
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Castillo-López, José Manuel;Díaz -Mancha, Juan Antonio ;Heredia-Rizo, Alberto Marcos;Fernández-Seguín, Lourdes M;Polo-Padillo, Juan;Dominguez-Maldonado, Gabriel;Munuera-Martínez, Pedro Vicente:
The tarsal bone test: a basic test of health sciences students' knowledge of lower limb anatomy.. BioMed Research International. 2014. Vol: 939163. Núm: 939163. 10.1155/2014/939163.
Díaz -Mancha, Juan Antonio ;Heredia-Rizo, Alberto Marcos;Fernández-Seguín, Lourdes M;Albornoz-Cabello, Manuel:
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Díaz -Mancha, Juan Antonio ;Fernández-Seguín, Lourdes M;Dominguez-Maldonado, Gabriel;Munuera-Martínez, Pedro Vicente:
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Comparision of plantar pressures and contact area between normal and cavus foot. Gait & Posture. 2014. Vol: 39. Núm: 2. Pág. 789-792. 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2013.10.018.
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Ojedo-martín, F.;Muñoz-moyano, L.;Díaz -Mancha, Juan Antonio ;Oscoz-muñoa, G.:
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Oscoz, Guillermo A;Díaz -Mancha, Juan Antonio ;Boza-carreño, A.;Mariscal-Crespo, María Isabel;Medina-cordero, A.:
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