Fernández-García, Julio Rodrigo;Gallego-Sánchez, Inés Magdalena;Jiménez-Losada, Andrés;Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel:
Cost-allocation problems for fuzzy agents in a fixed-tree network. Fuzzy Optimization And Decision Making. 2022. Vol: 21. Núm: 4. Pág. 531-551.
Fernández-García, Julio Rodrigo;Gallego-Sánchez, Inés Magdalena;Jiménez-Losada, Andrés;Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel:
A symmetric Banzhaf value for games with a proximity relation among the agents. Symmetry. 2020.
Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel;Ponce-Nuñez, Enrique;Freire-Macias, Emilio:
Bifurcations from a center at infinity in 3D piecewise linear systems with two zones. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 2020. Vol: 402. Pág. 132280-132280+11. 10.1016/j.physd.2019.132280.
Fernández-García, Julio Rodrigo;Gallego-Sánchez, Inés Magdalena;Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel:
A Symmetric Banzhaf Cooperation Value for Games with a Proximity Relation among the Agents. Symmetry. 2020. 10.3390/sym12071196.
Fernández-García, Julio Rodrigo;Gallego-Sánchez, Inés Magdalena;Jiménez-Losada, Andrés;Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel:
The cg-average tree value for games on cycle-free fuzzy communication structures. TOP. 2019. Vol: 27. Pág. 456-478. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11750-019-00518-0.
Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel;Jiménez-Losada, Andrés;Fernández-García, Julio Rodrigo;Gallego-Sánchez, Inés Magdalena:
A value for games on colored communication structures. Operational Research. 2019. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12351-019-00535-8.
Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel;Jiménez-Losada, Andrés:
Cooperative games with nontransferable utility on antimatroids. International Journal of General Systems. 2018. Vol: 47. Núm: 6. Pág. 613-631. https://doi.org/10.1080/03081079.2018.1487418 .
Fernández-García, Julio Rodrigo;Gallego-Sánchez, Inés Magdalena;Jiménez-Losada, Andrés;Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel:
Soft cooperation systems and games. International Journal of General Systems. 2018. Vol: 47. Núm: 3. Pág. 244-262. https://doi.org/10.1080/03081079.2017.1413099.
Fernández-García, Julio Rodrigo;Gallego-Sánchez, Inés Magdalena;Jiménez-Losada, Andrés;Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel:
The cg-position value for games on fuzzy communication structures. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 2018. Vol: 341. Pág. 37-58. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fss.2017.04.014.
Fernández-García, Julio Rodrigo;Gallego-Sánchez, Inés Magdalena;Jiménez-Losada, Andrés;Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel:
A Banzhaf value for games with a proximity relation among the agents. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 2017. Vol: 88. Núm: September 2017. Pág. 192-208. 10.1016/j.ijar.2017.05.010.
Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel;Jiménez-Losada, Andrés:
DUALITY ON COMBINATORIAL STRUCTURES. AN APPLICATION TO COOPERATIVE GAMES. International Journal of General Systems. 2017. Pág. 235-249. HTTP://DX.DOI.ORG/10.1080/03081079.2017.1387109.
Fernández-García, Julio Rodrigo;Gallego-Sánchez, Inés Magdalena;Jiménez-Losada, Andrés;Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel:
Cooperation among agents with a proximity relation. European Journal of Operational Research. 2016. Vol: 250. Núm: 2. Pág. 555-565. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2015.09.029.
Faigle, Ulrich;Grabisch, Michel;Jiménez-Losada, Andrés;Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel:
Games on concept lattice: Shapley value and core. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 2016. Vol: 198. Pág. 29-47. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dam.2015.08.004.
Gallego-Sánchez, Inés Magdalena;Fernández-García, Julio Rodrigo;Jiménez-Losada, Andrés;Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel:
A Banzhaf value for games with fuzzy communication structure: Computing the power of the political groups in the European Parliament. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 2014. Vol: 255. Pág. 128-145. doi:10.1016/j.fss.2013.12.012.
Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel;Castilla-Ibáñez, Manuel:
ENTORNO GEOMETRICO EFICIENTE PARA EL MODELADO DE IMAGENES EN 3D. Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería. 2014. Vol: 30. Núm: 1. Pág. 20-24. HTTP://DX.DOI.ORG/10.1016/J.RIMNI.2012.10.003.
Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel;Llibre, Jaume;Ponce, Enrique:
On the existence and uniqueness of limit cycles in planar continuous piecewise linear systems without symmetry. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications. 2013.
Llibre, Jaume;Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel;Ponce-Nuñez, Enrique:
On the existence and uniqueness of limit cycles in planar continuous piecewise linear systems without symmetry. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications. 2013. Vol: 14. Pág. 2002-2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nonrwa.2013.02.004.
Jiménez-Losada, Andrés;Fernández-García, Julio Rodrigo;Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel:
Myerson values for games with fuzzy communication structure. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 2013. Vol: 213. Pág. 74-90. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fss.2012.05.013.
Fernández-García, Julio Rodrigo;Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel:
MYERSON VALUES FOR GAMES WITH FUZZY COMMUNICATION STRUCTURE. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 2013. Vol: 213. Núm: 16. Pág. 74-90. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fss.2012.05.013.
Jiménez-Losada, Andrés;Fernández-García, Julio Rodrigo;Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel;Grabisch, Michel:
GAMES ON FUZZY COMMUNICATION STRUCTURES WITH CHOQUET PLAYERS. European Journal of Operational Research. 2010. Vol: 207. Núm: 2. Pág. 836-847. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2010.06.014.
Bilbao-Arrese, Jesús Mario;Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel:
THE CORE AND THE WEBER SET OF GAMES ON AUGMENTING SYSTEMS. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 2010. Vol: 158. Núm: 3. Pág. 180-188.
Bilbao-Arrese, Jesús Mario;Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel:
AXIOMATIZATIONS OF THE SHAPLEY VALUE FOR GAMES ON AUGMENTING SYSTEMS. European Journal of Operational Research. 2009. Vol: 196. Núm: 3. Pág. 1008-1014.
Castilla-Ibáñez, Manuel;Bravo-Rodriguez, Juan Carlos;Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel;Montaño-Asquerino, Juan Carlos:
AN APPROACH TO THE MULTIVECTORIAL APPARENT POWER IN TERMS OF A GENERALIZED POYNTING MULTIVECTOR. Progress in Electromagnetics Research B. Pier B. 2009. Vol: 15. Pág. 401-422. 10.2528/PIERB09042402 .
Castilla-Ibáñez, Manuel;Bravo-Rodriguez, Juan Carlos;Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel;Montaño-Asquerino, Juan Carlos:
THE GEOMETRIC ALGEBRA AS A POWER THEORY ANALYSIS TOOL. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny. 2009. Vol: 85. Núm: 1. Pág. 202-207.
Castilla-Ibáñez, Manuel;Bravo-Rodriguez, Juan Carlos;Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel:
Castilla-Ibáñez, Manuel;Bravo-Rodriguez, Juan Carlos;Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel;Montaño-Asquerino, Juan Carlos:
CLIFFORD THEORY: A GEOMETRICAL INTERPRETATION OF MULTIVECTORIAL APPARENT POWER. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems. Part 1: Regular Papers. 2008. Vol: 55. Núm: 10. Pág. 3358-3367.
Echarte-Reula, Francisco Javier;Nuñez-Valdes, Juan;Ordoñez-Sanchez, Manuel:
DERIVED FILIFORM LIE ALGEBRAS HAVING FIRST COEFFICIENT ZERO. Analele Universitattii Bucuressti. Chimie. 2000. Vol: XLIX. Pág. 141-154.