Castellano-Martínez, José María;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario:
ATRIBUTOS ÚNICOS DE LA IMAGEN DE DESTINO TURÍSTICO: ANÁLISIS CUALITATIVO EN ESPAÑOL DE LA SERIE ¿DESTINOS¿ DE TURESPAÑA. Itinerarios: Revista de Estudios Lingüisticos, Literarios, Históricos y Antropológicos. 2023. Vol: 38. Pág. 255-272. 10.7311/ITINERARIOS.38.2023.13.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;Pulido-Pavón, Noemí:
Tourist destination competitiveness: An international approach through the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index. Tourism Management Perspectives. 2023.
Gallego-Galán, Inmaculada;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Font, Xavier:
A multi-criteria, composite index methodology to measure the suitability of target markets for the hotel industry. Tourism Management Perspectives. 2023. 101104.
Lopes , Alvaro De Borba Cruz;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Pereira, Luis;Costa, R:
Attracting and retaining creative tourism entrepreneurs. Creative Industries Journal. 2023. 10.1080/17510694.2023.2203290.
Carreira, Vivina ;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen:
Cultural and Knowledge Seeking By Visitors at World Heritage Sites: The Case of Coimbra. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2022. Núm: 62. Pág. 7-19.
Lopes-dias, Alvaro;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Hallak, Rob:
Nascent entrepreneurship: a critical perspective and research agenda in tourism and hospitality. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 2022. 10.1108/IJCHM-07-2022-0853.
Gallego-galán, Inmaculada ;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Font, Xavier :
International air travel attitude and travel planning lead times across 45 countries in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Tourism Management Perspectives. 2022. 10.1016/j.tmp.2022.101037 Received 8 April 2022; Received in revised form 21 October 2022; Accepted 25 October 2022.
Gallego-Galán, Inmaculada;Font, Xavier;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario:
The impact of COVID-19 on European tourists' attitudes to air travel and the consequences for tourist destination evoked set formation. Tourism Management Perspectives. 2022.
Carreira, Vivina;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen:
The relevance of motivation, authenticity and destination image to explain future behavioural intention in a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Current Issues in Tourism. 2022. Vol: 25. Núm: 4. Pág. 650-673. 10.1080/13683500.2021.1905617.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Tussydiah, Iis:
Sustainable development in nature¿based destinations. The social dilemma of an environmental policy. Sustainable Development. 2022. Vol: 30. Pág. 580-594. 10.1002/sd.2250.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;Bilgihan, Anil;Okumus, Fevzi ;Shi, Fangfang :
The impact of eWOM source credibility on destination visit intention and online involvement: a case of Chinese tourists. Journal Of Hospitality And Tourism Technology. 2022. Vol: on line. 10.1108/JHTT-11-2021-0321.
Lopes-dias, Álvaro;Silva, Rui;Patuleia, Mafalda;Estevao, Joao;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario:
Selecting lifestyle entrepreneurship recovery strategies: A response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Tourism and Hospitality Research. 2021. Pág. 1-7. 10.1177/1467358421990724.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;Bilgihan, Anil;Fangfang, Shi;Okumus, Fevzi :
UGC Involvement, Motivation and Personality: Comparison between China and Spain. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management. 2021. Vol: on line.
Carreira, Vivina;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;Tavares -moutela, José Alberto :
An approach to cultural tourists¿ segmentation in post-unesco Coimbra. Enlightening Tourism: a pathmaking journal. 2021. Núm: 2. Pág. 332-359.
Dias, Álvaro;Patuleia, Mafalda;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario:
Post-pandemic recovery strategies: revitalizing lifestyle entrepreneurship. Journal Of Policy Research In Tourism, Leisure & Events. 2021. Pág. 1-18. 10.1080/19407963.2021.1892124.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;Fangfang, Shi;Fevzi, Okumus:
Exploring the links among corporate social responsibility, reputation, and performance from a multi-dimensional perspective. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 2021. Vol: 99. Núm: 103079. 10.1016/j.ijhm.2021.103079.
Dias, Álvaro;Patuleia, Mafalda;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario:
Retaining tourism lifestyle entrepreneurs for destination competitiveness. International Journal of Tourism Research. 2021. Pág. 1-12. 10.1002/jtr.2436.
Dias, Álvaro;Patuleia, Mafalda;Patuleia, Mafalda;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario:
Transforming local knowledge into lifestyle entreprenur's innovativeness: exploring the linear and quadratic relationships. Current Issues in Tourism. 2021. Pág. 1-17. 10.1080/13683500.2020.1865288.
Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Simonetti, Biagio:
Top Management Team Diversity and High Performance: an Integrative Approach based on Upper Echelons and Complexity Theory . European Management Journal. 2020. Vol: 38. Pág. 157-168.
Domingo-Carrillo, Miguel Angel;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Chávez-miranda, Esther:
Identifying hotel revenue management implementation drivers. International Journal of Information Systems and Software Engineering for Big Companies. 2020. Vol: 7. Núm: 2. Pág. 33-48.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen:
The Impact of Virtual Reality Tecnology on Tourists' Experience. Soft Computing. 2020. Vol: 24. Núm: 1. Pág. 13879-13892. 10.1007/s00500-020-04883-y.
Dominguez, Sara;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario:
Social Media managerial implications for budget accommodation venues: use of Social Media platforms more effectively and efficiently. Quality and Quantity. 2020. Vol: 54. Núm: 5-6. Pág. 1671-1689.
Caber, Meltem;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Albayrak, Tahir;Simonetti, Biagio:
Does perceived really matter in travel behaviour?. Journal of Vacation Marketing. 2020. Vol: 26. Núm: 3. Pág. 334-353.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;Pacheco-gómez, Carmen:
Facial-expression recognition: An Emergent approach to the measurement of tourist satisfaction throug emotions. Telematics and Informatics. 2020. Vol: 51. Pág. 1-14.
Dias, Alvaro;Silva, Graca;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario:
Developing sustainable business models: local knowledge acquisition and tourism lifestyle entrepreneurship. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 2020. 10.1080/09669582.2020.1835931.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen:
Customers' corporate social responsibility awareness as antecedent of repeat behaviour intention. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 2020. Vol: 27. Núm: 3. Pág. 1294-1306. 10.1002/csr.1884.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;PINO-MEJIAS, MIGUEL ANGEL:
The impact of virtual reality technology on tourists¿ experience: a textual data analysis. Soft Computing. 2020. Núm: 24. Pág. 13879-13892.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;Font, Xavier:
Factors Influecing Willingness of Customer or Environmentally Friendly Hotels to Pay a Price Premium. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 2020. Vol: 32. Núm: 1. Pág. 60-80.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Dominguez-Quintero, Ana Maria;Paddison, Brendan:
The direct and indirect influence of experience quality on satisfaction: the importance of emotions. Current Issues in Tourism. 2020. Vol: 23. Núm: 22. Pág. 2779-2797.
Alvaro, Dias;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Patuleia, Mafalda:
Developing poor communities through creative tourism. Journal of Tourism & Cultural Change. 2020. 10.1080/14766825.2020.1775623.
Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Pawlak, Marek;Simonetti, Biagio:
Family firm's management composition: the role played by family members' age in TMT and supervisor levels. Quality and Quantity. 2019. Vol: 53. Núm: 5. Pág. 2421-2438.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Paulak, Marek;Simonetti, Biagio:
Family Firms' Management Composition: The Role Played by Family Members' age in TMT and Supervisor Levels. Quality and Quantity. 2019. Vol: 53. Núm: 5. Pág. 2421-2438.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Simonetti, Biagio:
The Perception of Socially and Environmentally Responsible Practices Based on Values and Cultural Environment from a Customer Perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019. Vol: 216. Pág. 88-98. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.01.189.
Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Simonetti, Biagio:
The Moderating Role of Top Management Team Diversity in Strategic Change in a Multicultural Context. European Management Review. 2019. Vol: 16 . Núm: 4. Pág. 957-973. DOI: 10.1111/emre.12306.
Oviedo, M.ángeles;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Vega-Vázquez, Manuela:
Does Sun-and-Sea All-Inclusive Tourism Contribute to Poverty Alleviation and/or Income Inequality Reduction? The Case of the Dominican Republic. Journal of Travel Research. 2019. Vol: 58. Núm: 6. Pág. 995-1013.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;Simonetti, Biagio:
The Perception of Socially and Environmentally Responsible Practices based on Values and Cultural Environment from a Customer Perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019. Vol: 216. Pág. 88-98.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Martin-Samper, Rosario Del Carmen;Ali-koseoglu, Mehmet;Okumus, Fevzi:
Hotels corporate social responsibility practices, organizational culture, firm reputation, and performance. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 2019. Vol: 27. Pág. 398-419.
Dominguez-Quintero, Ana Maria;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Roldán, José L.:
The role of authenticity, experience quality, emotions, and satisfaction in a cultural heritage destination. Journal of Heritage Tourism. 2019. Vol: 14. Núm: 5-6. Pág. 491-505. DOI: 10.1080/1743873X.2018.1554666.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Jimenez-Caballero, Jose Luis;Martin-Samper, Rosario Del Carmen;Ali-koseoglu, Mehmet;Okumus, Fevzi:
Revisiting the link between business strategy and performance: Evidence from hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 2018. Vol: 72. Pág. 21-31.
Dominguez-Quintero, Ana Maria;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Paddison, Brendan:
The mediating role of experience quality on authenticity and satisfaction in the context of cultural-heritage tourism. Current Issues in Tourism. 2018.
Albaryrak, Tahir;Caber, Meltem;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Akin, Aksun:
Analysis of destination competitiveness by IPA and IPCA methods: The case of Costa Brava, Spain against Antalya, Turkey. Tourism Management Perspectives. 2018. Vol: 58. Pág. 53-61.
Moreno-Rojas, Jose;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Martin-Samper, Rosario Del Carmen:
Determinants of the effective tax rate in the tourism sector. A dynamic Panel Data Model. Tourism & Management Studies. 2017. Vol: 13. Núm: 3. Pág. 31-38. 10.18089/tms.2017.13304.
Simonetti, Biagio;Sarnacchiaro, Pasquale;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario:
Goodness of fit measures for logistic regression model: an application for students' evaluations of university teaching. Quality and Quantity. 2017. Vol: 51. Núm: 6. Pág. 2545-2554. DOI: 10.1007/s11135-016-0408-0.
Toral-Marin, Sergio;Martinez-Torres, Maria Del Rocio;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario:
Identification of the Unique Attributes of Tourist Destinations from Online Reviews. Journal of Travel Research. 2017. Vol: 57. Núm: 7. Pág. 908-919.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;Simonetti, Biagio:
Corporate Social Responsibility perception versus human values: a structural equation modeling approach.. Journal of Applied Statistics. 2016. Vol: 43. Núm: 13. Pág. 2396-2415.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Martinez-Torres, Maria Del Rocio;Toral-Marin, Sergio:
Post-visit and pre-visit tourist destination image through eWOM sentiment analysis and perceived helpfulness. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 2016. Vol: 28. Núm: 11. Pág. 2609-2627. 10.1108/IJCHM-02-2015-0057.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;Spers, Valeria;Leitte, Marcelo:
Relation between background variables, values and corporate social responsibility. RAE. 2016. Vol: 56. Núm: 1. Pág. 322-331. .
Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Simonetti, Biagio:
The role played by job and non-job-related TMT diversity traits on firm performance and strategic change. Management Decision. 2016. Vol: 54. Núm: 5. Pág. 1110-1139.
Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Simonetti, Biagio:
Top management teams' intellectual capital and firm performance.. European Management Journal. 2015. Vol: 33. Núm: 5. Pág. 322-331.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;Simonetti, Biagio:
The social, economic and environmental dimensions of corporate social responsibility: The role played by consumers and potential entrepreneurs. International Business Review. 2015. Vol: 24. Núm: 5. Pág. 836-848.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Martin-Samper, Rosario Del Carmen;Giuliani, Antonio Carlos:
Evaluating the efficiency progress with technology in a Spanish Hotel Chain . RAE. 2015. Vol: 25. Núm: 5. Pág. 551-562.
Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Simonetti, Biagio:
Top Management Teams' demographic characteristics and their influence on strategic change. Quality and Quantity. 2015. Vol: 49. Núm: 3. Pág. 1305-1322. DOI: 10.1007/s11135-014-0053-4.
Avvisati, G.;Marotta, E.;Simonetti, Biagio;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;Otros, Y :
Analysis of Tourism in Campania as a tool for the development of high-quality cultural services sightseers: The Reale Osservatorio Vesuviano. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal. 2015. Vol: 5. Núm: 1. Pág. 64-88.
Jimenez-Caballero, Jose Luis;Camuñez-Ruiz, Jose Antonio;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Fuentes-Ruiz, Maria Pilar:
Factores determinantes del rendimiento académico universitario en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Revista Innovar: Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales. 2015. Vol: 25. Núm: 58. Pág. 159-175.
Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Paddison, Brendan:
Exploring the antecedents of firm performance in a Latin-American and European diverse industrial context. Academia. Revista Latinoamericana de Administración. 2015. Vol: 28. Núm: 4. Pág. 502-522.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;Simonetti, Biagio:
Values and Corporate Social Initiative: an approach through Schwartz Theory . International Journal of Business and Society. 2014. Vol: 15. Núm: 1. Pág. 19-48.
Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Pawlak, Marek:
Top Management Demographic Characteristics and Company Performance. Industrial Management & Data Systems. 2014. Vol: 114. Núm: 3. Pág. 365-386. DOI 10.1108/IMDS-04-2013-0210.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;Pawlak, Marek;Simonetti, Biagio:
Perceptions of students university of corporate social responsibility. Quality and Quantity. 2013. Vol: 47. Núm: 4. Pág. 2361-2377. DOI: 10.1007/s11135-012-9781-5.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Diaz-Fernandez, Mª Carmen;Simonetti, Biagio:
Corporative social responsibilities perceptions: an aproximation through Spanish university students' values. . Quality and Quantity. 2013. Vol: 47. Núm: 4. Pág. 2379-2398. DOI 10.1007/s11135-012-9813-1.
Traverso-Cortes, Joaquin;Román-Onsalo, Marisa;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario:
Construction of the Image of the University. A Major Stakeholder Approach: The Students.. Higher Education Review. 2012. Vol: 44. Núm: 2. Pág. 43-62.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Martin-samper, Rosario:
An Analysis of the efficiency of Spanish Travel Agencies . Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis. 2012. Vol: 5. Núm: 1. Pág. 77-92. DOI 10.1285/i20705948v5 n1 p77.
Simonetti, Biagio;Lucadamo, Antonio;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario:
Variable selection in PLS discriminant analysis via Disco . Current Analytical Chemistry. 2012. Vol: 8. Núm: 12. Pág. 266-272. DOI: 10.2174/157341112800392625 .
Ramos, Encarnación ;Acedo, Francisco;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario:
Internationalisation speed and technlogical patterns: a panel study on Spanish SMES. Technovation. 2011. Vol: 31. Pág. 560-572.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Velasco-Morente, Francisco;González-Abril, Luis:
La eficiencia del sistema de protección social español en la reducción de la pobreza . Papeles de Población. 2010. Vol: 16. Núm: 64. Pág. 123-154.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Velasco-Morente, Francisco;González-Abril, Luis:
La pobreza en España en el período 1985-1995. Un análisis transversal y longitudinal . Estudios de Economía Aplicada. 2008. Vol: 26. Núm: 2. Pág. 225-232.
Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Maria Rosario;Martin-Martin, Domingo;González-Abril, Luis;Velasco-Morente, Francisco:
UN ANÁLISIS TRANSVERSAL Y LONGITUDINAL EN EL ESTADO DE POBREZA EN ALEMANIA. Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa. 2007. Vol: 4. Pág. 7-34.
Moreno-Pacheco, Pilar;González-Rodríguez, María Rosario:
Chaid and the logit procedures: two complementary statistical techniques in Market segmentation . Scientific Bulletin of Che¿m. Section of Mathematics and Computer Science. 2007. Núm: 1. Pág. 123-130.
Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Maria Rosario;Martin-Martin, Domingo:
AN ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF THE CHARACTERIZATION OF POVERTY IN ANDALUC¿IA AND IN SPAIN: A COMPARATIVE STUDY. Scientific Bulletin of Che¿m. Section of Mathematics and Computer Science. 2006. Núm: 2. Pág. 161-177.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Martin-Martin, Domingo:
An Econometric Analysis of the Characterization of Poverty in Andalusia and in Spain: A comparative study. Scientific Bulletin of Che¿m. Section of Mathematics and Computer Science. 2006. Vol: 2. Pág. 161-177.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario:
Determinación de la Línea de Pobreza. Enfoques y Problemática. Revista de Humanidades. 2005. Vol: 14. Pág. 117-136.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario;Basulto-Santos, Jesus:
Una evaluación de las prestaciones sociales en la lucha contra la pobreza en Andalucía y en España: Un análisis comparado. . Cuadernos Económicos de ICE. 2003. Vol: 67. Pág. 189-206.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario:
La pobreza y las prestaciones sociales de carácter monetario en la comunidad autónoma de Andalucía. Revista de Humanidades. 2003. Vol: 13. Pág. 185-210.
González-Rodríguez, María Rosario:
La situación de la pobreza en España en el período 1985-1995, según la Encuesta de Presupuestos Familiares. Revista de Humanidades. 2001. Vol: 12. Pág. 185-210.