Urda, Pedro;Aceituno, Javier F.;Muñoz-Moreno, Sergio;Escalona-Franco, Jose Luis:
Measurement of railroad track irregularities using an automated recording vehicle. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation. 2021. Vol: 183. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2021.109765.
Urda, Pedro;Aceituno, Javier F.;Muñoz-Moreno, Sergio;Escalona-Franco, Jose Luis:
Artificial neural networks applied to the measurement of lateral wheel-rail contact force: A comparison with a harmonic cancellation method. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2020. Vol: 153. 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2020.103968.
Urda, Pedro;Muñoz-Moreno, Sergio;Aceituno, Javier F.;Escalona-Franco, Jose Luis:
Application and Experimental Validation of a Multibody Model with Weakly Coupled Lateral and Vertical Dynamics to a Scaled Railway Vehicle. Sensors. 2020. Vol: 20. Núm: 13. Pág. 1-21. 10.3390/s20133700.
Escalona-Franco, Jose Luis;Aceituno, Javier F.;Urda, Pedro;Balling, Ole:
Railway multibody simulation with the knife-edge-equivalent wheel-rail constraint equations. Multibody System Dynamics. 2020. Vol: 48. Pág. 373-402. 10.1007/s11044-019-09708-x.
Urda, Pedro;Muñoz-Moreno, Sergio;Aceituno, Javier F.;Escalona-Franco, Jose Luis:
Wheel-rail contact force measurement using strain gauges and distance lasers on a scaled railway vehicle. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2020. Vol: 138. 10.1016/j.ymssp.2019.106555.
Aceituno, Javier F.;Urda, Pedro;Briales, Eduardo;Escalona-Franco, Jose Luis:
Analysis of the two-point wheel-rail contact scenario using the knife-edge-equivalent contact constraint method. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2020. Vol: 148. Pág. UNSP 103803-UNSP 103803. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2020.103803.