Profesor Titular de Universidad


Correo electrónico


Física Aplicada



Grupo de investigación


Proyectos y contratos de investigación

Desarrollo de materiales compuestos basados en terpolímeros y mezclas poliméricas para fabricación aditiva en el sector naval (TERPOL3D - Investigador/a)
Entrenamiento avanzado en materiales para superficies solares duraderas (EIN2020-112163 - Coordinador)
Recubrimientos innovadores preparados por magnetron sputtering para absorción solar (PID2019-104256RB-I00 - Investigador Principal Consolidado)
XV Congreso Nacional de Materiales and I Iberian Meeting on Materials Science (MV2018-226 - Responsable)
Línea de fabricación aditiva (3DSHIP - Investigador/a)

Libros publicados

Escobar, Ramon;Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena:
Micro-Nano Surface Functionalization of Materials and Thin Films for Optical Applications. MDPI Books. 2021. 78-3-0365-1658-5

Participación en congresos

Heras , Irene;Escobar, Ramon:
Advanced Solar Absorber Coatings Based on Nanocomposites. SAN FRANCISCO (ESTADOS UNIDOS). 2013

Asistencia a congresos

Parra, Claudia I.;Moreno, Jose Manuel;Sanchez-Lopez, Juan Carlos;Escobar, Ramon:
Influence of chromium oxide (CrOx)-based layers as thermal diffusion barriers on 316L steel and Inconel 625 for solar selective absorbers applications. Poster en Congreso. 19th International Conference on Thin Films. Burgos (España). 2023
Krause, Matthias;Niranjan, K.;Barshilia, Harish;Escobar, Ramon:
Solar thermal energy applications - state of the art and current challenges. Ponencia en Congreso. Vacuum & Plasma International Conference . Dresde . Alemania. 2023
Escobar, Ramon;Jankle, Daniel;Lungwitz, Frank;Munnik, Frans;Hübner , Rene;Niranjan, K.;Fernandes, F.;Barshilia, Harish;Krause, Matthias:
In situ depth-resolved compositional, structural and optical characterization of functional thin films at high temperatures. Ponencia en Congreso. 19th International Conference on Thin Films. Burgos (España). 2023
Escobar, Ramon;Hernández-Saz, Jesús;Rojas-Ruiz, Teresa Cristina;Sanchez, Miriam;Sanchez-Lopez, Juan Carlos;Molina, S. I.:
Physical Vapour Deposition of multifunctional coatings on ASA, ASA-FC and ASA-Cu printed using additive manufacturing. Poster en Congreso. 19th International Conference on Thin Films. Burgos (España). 2023
Sanchez, Miriam;Rojas-Ruiz, Teresa Cristina;Ferrer-Fernández, Francisco Javier;Morales-Sabio, Ángel;Escobar, Ramon;Sanchez-Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Effect of pulsed bias on the deposition of multi-layered CrxAl1-xNy/Al2O3 solar selective coatings tandem for high temperature applications. Comunicación en congreso. 2023 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit. CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO; USA. 2023
Krause, Matthias;Romero, Carlos;Mendez, Alvaro ;Munnik, Frans;García-Valenzuela, Aurelio;Schimpf, Christian;Rafaja, David;Escobar, Ramon:
High-temperature in-air stable transparent conductive oxide SnO2:Ta. Ponencia en Congreso. 18th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, . ERFURT (ALEMANIA). 2022
Lungwitz, Frank;Niranjan, K. ;Habenicht, Carsten ;Munnik, Fran;Hübner, René;García-Valenzuela, Aurelio;Escobar, Ramon; Krause, Matthias;Barshilia, Harish :
In situ stability study of WAlSiN based selective absorber under heating and cooling cycles in vacuum up to 800°C. Poster en Congreso. 18th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, . ERFURT (ALEMANIA). 2022
Escobar, Ramon;Heras , Irene;Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena;Munnik, Frans;Azkona, Ibon;Krause, Matthias:
Comprehensive microstructural and optical characterization of the thermal stability of aluminium-titanium oxynitride thin films after high temperature. Ponencia en Congreso. 18th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, . ERFURT (ALEMANIA). 2022
Sanchez-Lopez, Juan Carlos;Rojas-Ruiz, Teresa Cristina;Caro, Álvaro;Escobar, Ramon:
Design and performance of high-temperature solar-selective coatings based on Cr(Al)N. Ponencia en Congreso. 18th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, . ERFURT (ALEMANIA). 2022
Sanchez, Miriam;Rojas-Ruiz, Teresa Cristina;Ferrer-Fernández, Francisco Javier;Lozano-Barbero, Gabriel Sebastián;Morales-Sabio, Ángel;Mato, Sonia;Escobar, Ramon;Sanchez-Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Development of multi-layered CrAlN/Al2O3 tandem coating using HiPIMS for solar selective applications. Poster en Congreso. 18th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, . ERFURT (ALEMANIA). 2022
Escobar, Ramon;Hernández-Saz, Jesús;Palacios-Ibáñez, B;Rojas-Ruiz, Teresa Cristina;Sanchez-Lopez, Juan Carlos;Molina, S. I.:
Functionalization of additively manufactured materials using physical vapour deposition coatings. Poster en Congreso. 18th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, . ERFURT (ALEMANIA). 2022
Sanchez-Lopez, Juan Carlos;Rojas-Ruiz, Teresa Cristina;Caro, Ainhoa;Escobar, Ramon:
Diseño y comportamiento de recubrimientos solares selectivos basados en Cr(Al)N. Ponencia en Congreso. Congreso Nacional de Materiales 2022. Ciudad Real. 2022
Sanchez, Miriam;Rojas-Ruiz, Teresa Cristina;Ferrer-Fernández, Francisco Javier;Lozano-Barbero, Gabriel Sebastián;Morales-Sabio, Ángel;Mato, Sonia;Escobar, Ramon;Sanchez-Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Desarrollo de sistemas tándem basados en multicapas CrAlN/Al2O3 usando HiPIMS como absorbedores solares selectivos. Ponencia en Congreso. Congreso Nacional de Materiales 2022. Ciudad Real. 2022
Escobar, Ramon;Hernández-Saz, Jesús;Palacios-Ibáñez, B;Sanchez, Miriam;Rojas-Ruiz, Teresa Cristina;Sanchez-Lopez, Juan Carlos;Molina, S. I.:
Funcionalización superficial mediante recubrimientos PVD (deposición física en fase vapor) de materiales procesados por fabricación aditiva . Poster en Congreso. Congreso Nacional de Materiales 2022. Ciudad Real. 2022
Escobar, Ramon;Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena;Heras , Irene;Munnik, Frans;Azkona, Ibon;Krause, Matthias:
Caracterización microestructural y óptica de la estabilidad térmica en aire y vacío de películas delgadas de oxinitruros de aluminio-titanio. Ponencia en Congreso. Congreso Nacional de Materiales 2022. Ciudad Real. 2022
Escobar, Ramon;Hernández-Saz, Jesús;Acena, Emilio;Andrés-Cano, Pablo;Palacios-Ibáñez, B;Rojas-Ruiz, Teresa Cristina;Sanchez-Lopez, Juan Carlos;Molina, S. I.:
Surface engineering solutions for additive manufactured biomedical materials. Sesión no plenaria en Congreso. EUROPEAN CONGRESS ON ADVANCED MATERIALS AND PROCESSES - EUROMAT 2021. GRAZ (AUSTRIA). 2021
Escobar, Ramon;Rojas-Ruiz, Teresa Cristina;Caro, Álvaro;Sanchez-Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Design, spectral properties and thermal stability of high-temperature solar-selective coatings based on Cr(Al)N multilayer stacks.. Ponencia en Congreso. 2021 Virtual MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibit. Online. 2021
Krause, M. ;Escobar, Ramon;Lungwitz, F. ; Mendez, A.;Hoppe, M.;Sonnenberg, J.;García-Valenzuela, Aurelio;Munnik, F. ;Grenzer, J.;Hübner, R.:
Solar-selective coatings (SSC) for high-temperature (high-T) solar applications based on a selective transmitter on top of a black body (BB) absorber. Ponencia en Congreso. 2021 Virtual MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibit. Online. 2021
Krause, Matthias;Heras , Irene;Escobar, Ramon:
High-temperature stability studies of solar-selective coatings. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies. Okinawa (Japan). 2019
Krause, Matthias;Wenisch, Robert;Lungwitz, Frank;Heras , Irene;Janke, Daniel;Azkona, Ibon;Escobar, Ramon;Gemming, Sibylle :
Cluster Tool for In Situ Processing and Comprehensive Characterization of Energy Materials at High Temperatures. Ponencia en Congreso. 2019 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibi. Phoenix, EEUU. 2019
Krause, Matthias;Mendez Fernandez, Alvaro;Fernandez, Ivan;Wennberg, Ambiorn;Muñoz -piña, Sandra;Rodriguez, Jose Carlos;Lungwitz, Frank;Janke, Daniel;Escobar, Ramon:
High Temperature In-Air Stability Studies of SnO2:Ta Thin Films Used as Solar-Selective Transmitter in CSP. Ponencia en Congreso. 2019 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibi. Phoenix, EEUU. 2019
Yasir, Sarah;Endrino-Armenteros, Jose Luis;Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena;Escobar, Ramon;Aria, Adrianus:
Nickel-Aluminide Based Anticorrosion Coatings Prepared by Plasma Spray for Concentrating Solar Power Applications. Ponencia en Congreso. 2019 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibi. Phoenix, EEUU. 2019
Escobar, Ramon;Rodriguez, Jose Carlos;Fernandez, Jesus;Heras , Irene;Krause, Matthias;Rincón-Llorente, Gonzalo;Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena;Azkona, Ibon;Lungwitz, Frank;Janke, Daniel;Munnik, Frans:
Microstructural and High-Temperature In-Air Stability Study of Solar Absorber Coatings Based on Aluminum Titanium Oxynitride Nanocomposites. Ponencia en Congreso. 2019 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibi. Phoenix, EEUU. 2019
Mendez, A.;Lungwitz, F.;Schumann, E.;Janke, D.;Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena;Escobar, Ramon;Gemming, S.;Fernandez, I.;Krause, M.:
Vacuum and in-air thermal stability studies of SnO2-based TCO for concentrated solar power applications. Ponencia en Congreso. 16th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering. GARMISCH- PARTENKIRCHEN (ALEMANIA). 2018
Escobar, Ramon;Mendez, A.:
Vacuum and in-air thermal stability studies of SnO2-based TCO for concentrated solar power applications. Ponencia en Congreso. 16th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering. GARMISCH- PARTENKIRCHEN (ALEMANIA). 2018
Escobar, Ramon;D. Moreno Sánchez;Moreno, Daniel ;J. J. Relinque;Abad-fraga, F;Casal, V;Molina, S. I.:
Development of multifunctional polymer-based materials for large volume additive manufacturing. Plenary. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. Add+it 2018. Steyr Austria. 2018
Escobar, Ramon;Krause, M.;Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena;Heras , Irene;Lungwitz, F.;Munnik, F.;Rincon-llorente, G.;Alcon-camas, M.;Schumann, E.;Azkona, I.:
Design and high-temperature durability tests of solar-selective coatings based on aluminium titanium oxynitrides AlyTi1-y(OxN1-x). . Ponencia en Congreso. 16th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering. GARMISCH- PARTENKIRCHEN (ALEMANIA). 2018
Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena;Escobar, Ramon:
Optimization of Inkjet Printability of Polypropylene by Plasma Treatment. Ponencia en Congreso. 16th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering. GARMISCH- PARTENKIRCHEN (ALEMANIA). 2018
Krause, M.;Escobar, Ramon;Wenisch, R.;Lungwitz, F.;Heras , Irene;Azkona, I.;Heller, R.;Hübner, R.;Von Borany, J.;Gemming, S.:
Cluster tool for in situ processing and characterization of thin films at high temperatures. Ponencia en Congreso. 16th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering. GARMISCH- PARTENKIRCHEN (ALEMANIA). 2018
Escobar, Ramon;Krause, M.;Wenisch, R.;Lungwitz, F.;Heras, I.;Azkona, I.:
Cluster tool for in situ processing and characterization of thin films at high temperatures. Ponencia en Congreso. 16th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering. GARMISCH- PARTENKIRCHEN (ALEMANIA). 2018
Heras , Irene;Escobar, Ramon:
Design and high-temperature durability tests of solar-selective coatings based on aluminium titanium oxynitrides AlyTi1-y(OxN1-x). Oral. Ponencia en Congreso. XV Congreso Nacional de Materiales and I Iberian Meeting on Materials Science 2018. Salamanca, España. 2018
Escobar, Ramon:
Cluster tool for in situ processing and characterization of thin films at high temperatures. Ponencia en Congreso. XV Congreso Nacional de Materiales and I Iberian Meeting on Materials Science 2018. Salamanca, España. 2018
Wenisch, R.;Gemming, S.;Escobar, Ramon;Krause, M.;Lungwitz, F.;Heras, I.;Hanf, D.;Heller, R.;Zscharschuch, J.;Hübner, R.;Von Borany, J.:
Cluster tool for in situ processing and characterization of thin films at high temperatures. Ponencia en Congreso. European Materials Research Society Spring meeting 2018. Estrasbourgo, Francia. 2018
Lungwitz, F.;Schumann, E.;Janke, D.;Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena;Escobar, Ramon;Gemming, S.;Krause, M.:
Temperature-stable SnO2-based TCO for concentrated solar power applications. Ponencia en Congreso. European Materials Research Society Spring meeting 2018. Estrasbourgo, Francia. 2018
Krause, Matthias;Heras , Irene;Escobar, Ramon:
Design, validation and thermal testing of durable central receiver coatings for high-temperature concentrated solar power. Invited. Sesión no plenaria en Congreso. 5th European Conference in Nanofilms. Cranfield, Reino Unido. 2018
Wenisch, Robert;Krause, Matthias;Heras , Irene;Lungwitz, Frank;Schumann, Erik;Janke, Daniel;Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena;Escobar, Ramon;Gemming, Sybille:
Central receiver coatings for high-temperature concentrated solar power studied by in situ RBS, Raman spectroscopy and spectroscopic ellipsometry. Poster en Congreso. 10th Iberian Vacuum Conference. - Bilbao. 2017
Escobar, Ramon:
Surface science applications on concentrated solar power key technologies. Invited. Sesión no plenaria en Congreso. 2017 Chinese National Conference on Surface Science and Technology. Shantou, China. 2017
Krause, Matthias;Escobar, Ramon:
New solar-selective CSP receiver coatings studied by environmental in situ methods. Invited. Sesión no plenaria en Congreso. 12th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology including Glass & Optical Materials Division Meeting . Waikoloa, USA. 2017
Escobar, Ramon:
New solar-selective CSP receiver coatings studied by environmental in situ methods. Invited. Sesión no plenaria en Congreso. 12th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology including Glass & Optical Materials Division Meeting. Waikoloa, USA. 2017
Escobar, Ramon:
Solar-Selective and Temperature-Stable SnO2-Based TCO for Solar Thermal Applications. Ponencia en Congreso. MRS Spring meeting 2017. Phoenix, Arizona, EE.UU.. 2017
Escobar, Ramon;Heras , Irene:
Design of Solar Selective Coatings Based on Aluminium Titanium AlTi(OxN1-x) Oxynitrides for High-Temperature CSP Applications. Ponencia en Congreso. MRS Spring meeting 2017. Phoenix, Arizona, EE.UU.. 2017
Escobar, Ramon:
Solar-Selective and Temperature-Stable SnO2-Based TCO for Solar Thermal Applications. Ponencia en Congreso. MRS Spring meeting 2017. Phoenix, Arizona, EE.UU.. 2017
Escobar, Ramon:
Nickel-Aluminium Based Anticorrosion Coatings Prepared by Plasma Spray for CSP Applications. Ponencia en Congreso. MRS Spring meeting 2017. Phoenix, Arizona, EE.UU.. 2017
Escobar, Ramon;Heras , Irene:
In Situ RBS, Raman, and Ellipsometry Studies of Layered Material Systems at High Temperatures in a Cluster Tool. Ponencia en Congreso. MRS Spring meeting 2017. Phoenix, Arizona, EE.UU.. 2017
Escobar, Ramon;Heras , Irene:
In situ RBS, Raman, and ellipsometry studies of layered material systems at elevated temperatures. Ponencia en Congreso. 15th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Alemania. 2016
Escobar, Ramon;Heras , Irene:
Comparative study of the deposition of highly reflectant metal thin films by ionized PVD techniques. Ponencia en Congreso. 15th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Alemania. 2016
Palmero-Acebedo, Alberto;Rodríguez-González-Elipe, Agustín;García-Valenzuela, Aurelio;Álvarez-Molina, Rafael;López-Santos, María Del Carmen;Ferrer-Fernández, Francisco Javier;Rico-Gavira, Víctor Joaquín;Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena;Alcón-camas, Mercedes;Escobar, Ramon:
Stoichiometric Control of SiOx Thin Films Grown by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering at Oblique Angles. Ponencia en Congreso. 15th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering. . 2016
Escobar, Ramon:
High temperature stable TCOs as selective transmitter for solar thermal applications. Ponencia en Congreso. 15th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Alemania. 2016
Escobar, Ramon:
In situ study of high temperature stability and optical properties of Aluminum-Titanium Oxynitride thin films. Ponencia en Congreso. European Materials Research Society (EMRS) Spring Meeting 2016. Lille, France. 2016
Escobar, Ramon;Heras , Irene:
Comprehensive real time characterization of AlTiON thin films at high temperatures. Ponencia en Congreso. 78th IUVSTA Workshop New horizons in oxynitride thin films: from synthesis to applications. BRAGA , PORTUGAL. 2015
Escobar, Ramon:
How surface engineering can be applied to improve thermosolar technology: from simulation to real operation. Invited. Sesión no plenaria en Congreso. 16th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis. Granada, Spain. 2015
Escobar, Ramon;Heras , Irene:
Solar selective coatings based on Carbon:Transition Metal Nanocomposites. Ponencia en Congreso. SPIE Optics+Photonics for suistanable energy. SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA USA. 2015
Escobar, Ramon;Heras , Irene:
High density TiO2 thin films deposited by Filtered Cathodic Vacuum Arc. Ponencia en Congreso. SPIE Optics+Photonics for suistanable energy. SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA USA. 2015
Escobar, Ramon:
High temperature stable transparent conductive oxides for solar thermal applications. Ponencia en Congreso. 8th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies. SINGAPORE, SINGAPUR. 2015
Heras , Irene;Escobar, Ramon:
Carbide formation and Optical Properties in Carbon:Transition Metal Nanocomposites Thin Films. Ponencia en Congreso. Materials Research Society Spring Meeting. SAN FRANCISCO USA. 2015
Escobar, Ramon;Heras , Irene:
Comprehensive environmental testing of optical properties in thin films. Ponencia en Congreso. 3rd International through ¿ life engineering services conference. CRANFIELD, REINO UNIDO. 2014
Escobar, Ramon:
Crystalline perfection of ultrathin BN films grown by ion beam assisted deposition. Ponencia en Congreso. 14th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering. GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, GERMANY. 2014
Escobar, Ramon:
Polarization dependent NEXAFS and optical properties of ZnO films prepared by oblique angle magnetron sputtering. Invited. . Sesión no plenaria en Congreso. 14th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering. GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, GERMANY. 2014
Escobar, Ramon:
Dynamics of GDOES induced surface roughening in metal interfaces. Invited. Sesión no plenaria en Congreso. 7th International Glow Discharge Day. Lille. 2014
Escobar, Ramon:
Destructive versus non destructive methods for compositional depth profiles. Ponencia en Congreso. 19th INTERNATIONAL VACUUM CONGRESS IVC-19/ICN+T 2013. PARIS (FRANCIA). 2013
Escobar, Ramon:
Development of new selective absorbers for high temperature solar harvesting applications: from optical simulations to real operation. Ponencia en Congreso. EUROMAT 2013 Conference. Seville, Spain. 2013
Escobar, Ramon:
Surface Segregation of Ag in Ag-DLC thin films produced by Magnetron Sputtering. Ponencia en Congreso. EUROMAT 2013 Conference. Seville, Spain. 2013
Escobar, Ramon:
Crystalline structures and compositional depth profile of solution derived lead-free (Bi0.5Na0.5)1-xBaxTiO3 (BNBT) thin films around the morphotropic . Ponencia en Congreso. XI Reunión nacional de electrocerámica. Zaragoza. 2013
Escobar, Ramon:
Correlation of the structure and optoelectrical performance of metal doped ZnO thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering: a comparative study. Invi. Sesión no plenaria en Congreso. SPIE Photonics West 2013. USA, San Francisco. 2013
Escobar, Ramon:
Mechanisms of silver diffusion and ionization in ZrCN coatings for antibacterial activity on medical devices. Ponencia en Congreso. 13th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering. Garmisch - Partenkirche, : GRAINAU/ GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, GERMANY. 2012
Escobar, Ramon:
Optical study of reactive sputtered oxide coatings embedded with Au clusters using HiPIMS power source. Ponencia en Congreso. 13th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering. Garmisch - Partenkirche, : GRAINAU/ GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, GERMANY. 2012
Escobar, Ramon:
Silver segregation in biomedical coatings. Invited. Sesión no plenaria en Congreso. 6th International Glow Discharge day. París, Francia. 2012
Escobar, Ramon:
Synthesis of Nanostructured ZnO thin films by oblique angle sputtering deposition. Ponencia en Congreso. XII Congreso Nacional de Materiales Iberomat 2012. Alicante, Comunidad Valenciana, España. 2012
Escobar, Ramon:
Optical and structural properties of Ti doped ZnO thin films grown by magnetron co-sputtering at room temperature. Ponencia en Congreso. Coatings and surface functionalization of materials for optical applications, OPTO-COAT 2012. Alicante. 2012
Escobar, Ramon:
Optical properties of Cr-O-Al mixed oxides grown by reactive magnetron sputtering. Ponencia en Congreso. Coatings and surface functionalization of materials for optical applications, OPTO-COAT 2012. Alicante. 2012
Escobar, Ramon:
Coatings and surface functionalization of materials for optical applications, OPTO-COAT 2012. Ponencia en Congreso. Coatings and surface functionalization of materials for optical applications, OPTO-COAT 2012. Alicante. 2012
Escobar, Ramon:
Amorphous to epitaxial growth of undoped and doped SnO2 films: optical, transport and magnetic properties. Ponencia en Congreso. 18th International Symposium on Metaestable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials. Gijon. 2011
Escobar, Ramon:
Evolution of the structure and optoelectrical performance of ZnO thin films deposited by DC magnetron sputtering after post deposition annealing treat. Ponencia en Congreso. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON METALLURGICAL COATINGS AND THIN FILMS ICMCTF 2011 () (.2011.SAN DIEGO USA). SAN DIEGO USA. 2011
Escobar, Ramon:
Structural and in-depth characterization of variable refractive index chromium-silicon mixed oxides produced by reactive ion beam mixing of the Cr/Si . Ponencia en Congreso. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON METALLURGICAL COATINGS AND THIN FILMS ICMCTF 2011 () (.2011.SAN DIEGO USA). SAN DIEGO USA. 2011
Escobar, Ramon:
Propiedades tribológicas de capas de carbono amorfo dopadas con plata para aplicaciones biomédicas. Ponencia en Congreso. VI CONGRESO IBÉRICO DE TRIBOLOGÍA, IBERTRIB2011 () (.2011.MOSTOLES,MADRID). MOSTOLES,MADRID. 2011
Escobar, Ramon:
Tailoring optical properties of chromium-silicon mixed oxides by oxygen ion beam implantation. Ponencia en Congreso. 12th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering . Garmish-Partenkirchen. 2010
Escobar, Ramon:
Structural, optical and chemical characterisation of ZnO thin films deposited by DC magnetron sputtering at different oxygen pressures. Ponencia en Congreso. XXX Annual Meeting International Conference on Surfaces, Materials and Vacuum,. SAN LUIS POTOSI, MEXICO. 2010
Escobar, Ramon:
Tailoring optical properties of chromium-silicon mixed oxides by magnetron sputtering and oxygen ion beam implantation. Plenary.. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. XXX Annual Meeting International Conference on Surfaces, Materials and Vacuum,. SAN LUIS POTOSI, MEXICO. 2010
Escobar, Ramon:
Comparative RBS, SIMS, XPS and GDOES study of multilayer depth profiling. Invited. Sesión no plenaria en Congreso. 5th International Glow Discharge day. París, Francia. 2010
Escobar, Ramon:
Estimation of boron diffusion in FeB surface layers with the presence of residual stresses. Ponencia en Congreso. 6th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids . Paris. 2010
Escobar, Ramon:
Advanced structural characterization of biocompatible Ag-TiCN coatings. Ponencia en Congreso. Modificación y funcionalización superficial de materialespara aplicaciones biomédicas. . Zaragoza. 2010
Escobar, Ramon:
Mejora de las propiedades ópticas de recubrimientos basados en nitruro de titanio para aplicaciones en energía solar térmica. Ponencia en Congreso. XI CONGRESO NACIONAL DE MATERIALES. UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA. 2010
Escobar, Ramon:
Control de las propiedades ópticas de óxidos mixtos CrSiOx depositados por pulverización catódica. Ponencia en Congreso. XI CONGRESO NACIONAL DE MATERIALES. UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA. 2010
Escobar, Ramon:
Ag-Ti(C,N)-based coatings for biomedical applications: influence of composition and structure on the mechanical/tribological and biological behavior. Ponencia en Congreso. International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films 2007. SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA USA. 2010
Endrino-,J.L.;Escobar, Ramon;Sanchez-Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Escobar, Ramon:
Advanced characterisation of nanometer metal multilayers. Plenary. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. XXIX Annual Meeting International Conference on Surfaces, Materials and Vacuum,. SAN LUIS POTOSI, MEXICO. 2009
Escobar, Ramon:
Towards nanometric resolution in multilayer depth profiling: RBS, SIMS, XPS and GDOES comparative study. Invited. Sesión no plenaria en Congreso. III Workshop sobre NANOciencia y NANOtecnología ANALÍTICAS. . 2009
Escobar, Ramon:
Effect of Modes of Corrosion on Cellular Viability of Ag-TiCN Coatings. Oral. Ponencia en Congreso. 36th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films 2009. San Diego, San Diego, USA (CA). 2009
Escobar, Ramon:
Improving the Oxidation Resistance of AlCrN Coatings by Tailoring Chromium Out-Diffusion. Oral.. Ponencia en Congreso. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON METALLURGICAL COATINGS AND THIN FILMS, ICMCTF¿2009, () (.2009.SAN DIEGO,USA). SAN DIEGO,USA. 2009
Escobar, Ramon:
Impact of the annealing atmosphere in tribofilm formation and cutting performance of AlTiN coating annealed at 700ºC. Oral.. Ponencia en Congreso. 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SURFACES, COATINGS AND NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS. BARCELONA, Spain. 2008
Escobar, Ramon:
Diffusion mechanisms while tuning the oxidation resistance of AlCrN coatings. Invited. Sesión no plenaria en Congreso. Seventh international conference on diffusion in materials . Lanzarote, Spain. 2008
Escobar, Ramon:
Microstructure influence on the tribological properties of (Cr,Ti)-Al-SiN nanocomposites under thermal oxidation. Oral. Ponencia en Congreso. Eleventh International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering . Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Alemania. 2008
Escobar, Ramon:
Calibration of nitrogen content for GDOES depth profiling of complex nitride coating. Invited.. Sesión no plenaria en Congreso. 4th International Glow Discharge day. París, Francia. 2008
Escobar, Ramon:
Advanced characterisation of nanometer multilayers: depth profiling comparison of RBS, SIMS, XPS and GDOES. Invited.. Sesión no plenaria en Congreso. 7TH IBERIAN VACUUM MEETING AND 5TH EUROPEAN TOPICAL CONFERENCE ON HARD COATINS () (.2008.CAPARICA, PORTUGAL). CAPARICA, PORTUGAL. 2008
Escobar, Ramon:
Oxidation behaviour of CrAlN, AlTiN nanocomposite coatings. Oral.. Ponencia en Congreso. 5th European Topical Conference on Hard Coatings. Caparica, Lisboa, Portugal. 2008
Escobar, Ramon:
Nuevos desarrollos para la caracterización de sistemas multicapa mediante espectroscopia de emisión óptica por descarga luminiscente. Oral. Ponencia en Congreso. X Congreso Nacional de Materiales. San Sebastián, Spain. 2008
Escobar, Ramon:
Thermal Stability and Oxidation Behaviour of CrAlN,AlTiN and Nanocomposite Coatings. Oral.. Ponencia en Congreso. International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films 2008. San Diego, USA (CA). 2008
Escobar, Ramon:
XRD and FTIR Analysis of Ti-Si-CON coatings for biomedical applications. Oral.. Ponencia en Congreso. International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films 2008. . 2008
Escobar, Ramon:
Room Temperature Deposition and Characterization of Hard Ti(X)N (X= Y, Si) Nanostructured Composite Films. Oral.. Ponencia en Congreso. International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films 2007. San Diego, USA (CA). 2007
Escobar, Ramon:
Antibacterial Silver-containing DLC and ta-C coatings: A Comparative Study. Oral. Ponencia en Congreso. Materials Research Society Fall Conference 2006. Boston , MA (USA). 2006
Escobar, Ramon:
Biocompatible Ag-doped Carbon Coatings with Biocidal Effect. Oral.. Ponencia en Congreso. AVS 53rd International Symposium and Exhibition. San Francisco California (EEUU). 2006
Escobar, Ramon:
Nanometre depth profiling of multilayer coatings by GD, RBS and SIMS.Invited.. Sesión no plenaria en Congreso. 3rd International Glow Discharge day. Paris, Francia. 2006
Escobar, Ramon:
Wear resistance of titanium-aluminium-chromium nitride nanocomposite thin films. Oral.. Ponencia en Congreso. 4th European topical conference on hard coatings. Salamanca, Spain. 2006
Escobar, Ramon:
Study of hydrogen and oxygen uptake in smart optical windows based on YPd and MgNiPd thin films by GDOES. Oral.. Ponencia en Congreso. 4th European topical conference on hard coatings. Salamanca, Spain. 2006
Escobar, Ramon:
Influence of the yttrium content on the mechanical properties of Y2O3-ZrO2 thin films prepared by EB. Oral.. Ponencia en Congreso. 6th Iberian Vacuum Meeting. Salamanca, Spain. 2006
Escobar, Ramon:
Comparative depth profiling analysis of nanometre metal multilayers by GDOES, RBS and SIMS.Invited. Sesión no plenaria en Congreso. TENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PLASMA SURFACE ENGINEERING - PSE 2006 (10) (10.2006.GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN (GERMANY)). GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN (GERMANY). 2006
Escobar, Ramon:
Comparison of elemental depth profiling in thin metal and metal nitride multilayer stacks by GDOES and RBS techniques. Oral.. Ponencia en Congreso. 5th Iberian Vacuum Meeting . Guimaraes, Portugal.. 2005
Escobar, Ramon:
Compositional depth profiling analysis of thin and ultrathin multilayer coatings by rf-GDOES. Oral.. Ponencia en Congreso. European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2005. Strasbourg, France. 2005
Escobar, Ramon:
Depth resolution effects during rf-GD-OES Analysis of interfaces in multilayer coatings. Invited.. Sesión no plenaria en Congreso. 2nd International Glow Discharge day. Paris, France. 2004
Escobar, Ramon:
Surface porosity development on metal substrates by helium implantation and annealing. Oral.. Ponencia en Congreso. Materials Research Society Fall Conference 2003. Boston , MA (USA). 2003
Escobar, Ramon:
Porosity in Silicon and Ceramic Thin Films Monitored by Positrons and Positronium. Oral.. Ponencia en Congreso. 13th International Conference on Positron Annihilation. Kyoto, Japan. 2003
Escobar, Ramon:
Thermally induced delamination of amorphous hydrogenated carbon coatings monitored by positron beam analysis. Oral.. Ponencia en Congreso. European Materials Research Society Spring Conference 2003. Strasbourg - Francia. 2003
Escobar, Ramon:
Adhesion behaviour at elevated temperatures of CrN coatings on pretreated metal substrates studied in-situ by PBA and ESEM. Ponencia en Congreso. PPM Materials Research 2003. Veldhoven, Holanda. 2003
Escobar, Ramon:
Porosity in ceramic films monitored by positrons and positronium.. Ponencia en Congreso. PPM Materials Research 2003. Veldhoven, Holanda. 2003
Escobar, Ramon:
A modified blister test to study the adhesion of thin coatings based on local helium ion implantation. Oral.. Ponencia en Congreso. International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films 2003. SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA USA. 2003
Escobar, Ramon:
Adhesion Behaviour at Elevated Temperatures of CrN Coatings on Pre-treated Metal Substrates Studied In-Situ by PBA and ESEM. Oral.. Ponencia en Congreso. International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films 2003. SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA USA. 2003
Escobar, Ramon:
Porosity in silica reinforced methyltrimethoxysilane coatings studied by positron beam analysis. Oral.. Ponencia en Congreso. European Materials Research Society Spring Conference 2002. Strasbourg, France. 2002
Escobar, Ramon:
Adhesion behaviour in thin ceramic coatings monitored by positron annihilation during in situ bending. Oral. Ponencia en Congreso. PPM Materials Research 2002. VELDHOVEN, HOLANDA. 2002
Escobar, Ramon:
Sintering of zirconia films monitored by positron annihilation. Ponencia en Congreso. PPM Materials Research 2002. VELDHOVEN, HOLANDA. 2002
Escobar, Ramon:
Stress development and adhesion behaviour in thin ceramic coatings monitored by positron annihilation during bending. Oral. Ponencia en Congreso. Materials Research Society Fall Conference. Boston , MA (USA). 2001
Escobar, Ramon:
Positron Annihilation in diamonds. Invited.. Sesión no plenaria en Congreso. 12th International Conference on Positron Annihilation. Munich, Germany. 2000
Escobar, Ramon:
Native and Irradiation-Induced Defects in SiO2 Structures Studied by Positron Annihilation Techniques. Oral. Ponencia en Congreso. 12th International Conference on Positron Annihilation. Munich, Germany. 2000
Escobar, Ramon:
Control de las propiedades ópticas de óxidos mixtos CrSiOx depositados por pulverización catódica. Ponencia en Congreso. . .
Escobar, Ramon:
Ag-Ti(C,N)-based coatings for biomedical applications: influence of composition and structure on the mechanical/tribological and biological behavior. Ponencia en Congreso. . .
Escobar, Ramon:
In situ depth-resolved compositional, structural and optical characterization of functional thin films at high temperatures. Poster en Congreso. . .
Escobar, Ramon:
Mechanisms of silver diffusion and ionization in ZrCN coatings for antibacterial activity on medical devices. Ponencia en Congreso. . .
Escobar, Ramon:
Central receiver coatings for high-temperature concentrated solar power studied by in situ RBS, Raman spectroscopy and spectroscopic ellipsometry. Poster en Congreso. . .

Artículos publicados

Palacios-Ibáñez, B;J. J. Relinque;D. Moreno Sánchez;Sanz, Alberto;Delgado-González, Francisco Javier;Escobar, Ramon;Molina, S. I.:
Synthesis and Characterisation of ASA-PEEK Composites for Fused Filament Fabrication. Polymers. 2022. Vol: 14. Núm: 496. Pág. 1-12. 10.3390/polym14030496.
Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena;Krause, Matthias;Heras , Irene;Rincón-Llorente, Gonzalo;Escobar, Ramon:
Tailoring crystalline structure of titanium oxide films for optical applications using non-biased filtered cathodic vacuum arc deposition at room temp. Coatings. 2021. Vol: 11. Núm: 2. Pág. 1-18. 10.3390/coatings11020233.
Rojas-Ruiz, Teresa Cristina;Caro, Álvaro;Escobar, Ramon;Sanchez-Lopez, Juan Carlos:
High-temperature solar-selective coatings based on Cr(Al)N. Part 2: Design, spectral properties and thermal stability of multilayer stacks. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells. 2020. Vol: 218. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solmat.2020.110812.
Yuste, Miriam;Escobar, Ramon;Benito, Noelia;Palacio, Carlos;Martínez, Oscar;Albella, Jose María;Sánchez, Olga:
Effect of the Incorporation of Titanium on the Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films: From Doping to Mixed Oxide Formation. Coatings. 2019. Vol: 9. Núm: 3. 10.3390/coatings9030180 .
Lungwitz, Frank ;Escobar, Ramon;Janke, Daniel;Schumann, Erik;Wenisch, Robert;Gemming, Sibylle;Krause, Matthias:
Transparent Conductive Tantalum Doped Tin Oxide as Selectively Solar-Transmitting Coating for High Temperature Solar Thermal Applications. . Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells. 2019. Vol: 196. Pág. 84-93. 10.1016/j.solmat.2019.03.012.
Heras , Irene;Escobar, Ramon;Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena:
Design of solar-selective coatings based on aluminium titanium AlTi(OxN1-x) oxynitrides for high temperature applications. Part 1: Advanced microstruc. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells. 2018. Vol: 179. Pág. 81-92. 10.1016/j.solmat.2017.10.015.
Heras, Irene;Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena;Lungwitz, Frank;Rincon-llorente, Gonzalo;Munnik, Frans;Schumann, Erik;Azkona, Ibon;Krause, Matthias;Escobar, Ramon:
Design of high-temperature solar-selective coatings based on aluminium titanium oxynitrides AlyTi1-y(OxN1-x). Part 1: Advanced microstructural charact. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells. 2018. Vol: 176. Pág. 81-92. 10.1016/j.solmat.2017.10.015.
Rincon-llorente, Gonzalo;Heras, Irene;Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena;Schumann, Erik;Krause, Matthias;Escobar, Ramon:
On the effect of thin film growth mechanisms on the specular reflectance of aluminum thin films deposited via filtered cathodic vacuum arc. Coatings. 2018. Vol: 8. Núm: 9. Pág. 321-334. 10.3390/coatings8090321.
Escobar, Ramon;Krause, Matthias;Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena;Heras, Irene;Rincon-llorente, Gonzalo;Alcon- Camas, Mercedes;Lungwitz, Frank;Munnik, Frans;Schumann, Erik;Azkona, Ibon:
Design of high-temperature solar-selective coatings based on aluminium titanium oxynitrides AlyTi1-y(OxN1-x). Part 2: Experimental validation and dura. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells. 2018. Vol: 185. Pág. 183-191.
Boileau , A.;Cheik, A.;Fouchet, A.;David, A.;Escobar, Ramon;Labbé, C.;Marie, P.;Gourbilleau, F.;Lu¿ders, U.:
Optical and electrical properties of the transparent conductor SrVO3 without long-range crystalline order.. Applied Physics Letters. 2018. Vol: 112.
Escobar, Ramon:
Design of high-temperature solar-selective coatings based on aluminium titanium oxynitrides AlyTi1-y(OxN1-x). Part 1: Advanced microstructural charact. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells. 2018. Vol: 176. Pág. 81-92.
Heras , Irene;Escobar, Ramon;Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena:
Design of solar-selective coatings based on aluminium titanium AlTi(OxN1-x) oxynitrides for high temperature applications. Part 2: Durability tests at. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells. 2018. Vol: 185. Pág. 183-191. 10.1016/j.solmat.2018.04.027.
Wenisch, R.;Escobar, Ramon;Krause, M.;Lungwitz, F.;Hanf, D.;Heller, R.;Zscharschuch, J.;Hübner, R.;Von Borany, J.;Abrasonis, G.;Gemming, S.:
Cluster tool for in situ processing and comprehensive characterization of thin films at high temperatures. Analytical Chemistry. 2018. Vol: 90. Núm: 13. Pág. 7837-7842. 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b00923.
Jiménez-Solano, Alberto;Escobar, Ramon;Míguez-García, Hernán Ruy;Anaya-Martín, Miguel;Calvo-Roggiani, Mauricio;Alcon-camas, Mercedes;Alacñiz, Carlos;Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena;Martinez, Noelia;Gallas, Manuel;Preussner, Thomas:
Aperiodic Metal-Dielectric Multilayers as Highly Efficient Sunlight Reflectors. Advanced Optical Materilas. 2017. Vol: 5. Núm: 9. 10.1002/adom.201600833.
Benito, Noelia ;Recio-sanchez, Gonzalo;Escobar, Ramon;Palacio, Carlos:
Formation of antireflection Zn/ZnO core shell nano-pyramidal arrays by O 2+ ion bombardment of Zn surfaces . Nanoscale. 2017. Vol: 9. Núm: 37. Pág. 14201-14027A. 10.1039/C7NR03691D.
García-Valenzuela, Aurelio;Rodríguez-González-Elipe, Agustín;Palmero, Alberto;Álvarez-Molina, Rafael;López-Santos, María Del Carmen;Ferrer-Fernández, Francisco Javier;Rico-Gavira, Víctor Joaquín;Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena;Alcon, M.;Escobar, Ramon:
Stoichiometric Control of SiOx Thin Films Grown by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering at Oblique Angles. Plasma Processes and Polymers. 2016. Vol: 13. Pág. 1242-1248.
Álvarez-Molina, Rafael;Palmero-Acebedo, Alberto;García-Valenzuela, Aurelio;López-Santos, María Del Carmen;Ferrer-Fernández, Francisco Javier;Rico-Gavira, Víctor Joaquín;Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena;Alcon-camas, Mercedes;Escobar, Ramon;Rodríguez-González-Elipe, Agustín:
High Rate Deposition of Stoichiometric Compounds by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering at Oblique Angles. Plasma Processes and Polymers. 2016. Vol: 13. Núm: 10. Pág. 960-964.
Pérez-mezcua, D. ;Calzada, M.l. ;Bretos, I.;Ricote, J.;Jiménez, R.;Fuentes-cobas, L.;Escobar, Ramon;Chateigner, D.;Sirerad, R.:
Influence of excesses of volatile elements on structure andcomposition of solution derived lead-free (Bi0.50Na0.50)1xBaxTiO3 thin films.. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2016. Vol: 36. Núm: 1. Pág. 89-100. 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2015.09.023.
Heras, Irene;Krause, Matthias;Abrasonis, Gintas;Pardo, Ainhoa;Endrino-Armenteros, Jose Luis;Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena;Escobar, Ramon:
Advanced characterisation and optical simulation for the design of solar-selective coatings based on carbon: transition metal carbide nanocomposites. . Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells. 2016. Vol: 157. Pág. 580-590.
Ortega, J.j.;Ortiz-hernández, A.a;Berumen-torres, J.;Escobar, Ramon;Méndez-garcía, V.h.;Araiza, J.j. :
Ag-N dual acceptor doped p-type ZnO thin films by DC reactive magnetron co-sputtering. Materials Letters. 2016. Vol: 181. Pág. 12-15. 10.1016/j.matlet.2016.06.005.
Calderon, Sebastian;Escobar, Ramon;Ferreri, Isabel;Henriques, Mariana;Cavaleiro, Albano;Carvalho, Sandra:
Electrochemical vs antibacterial characterization of ZrCN-Ag coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2015. Vol: 275. Pág. 357-362. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2015.04.042.
Ferreri, Isabel;Escobar, Ramon;Calderon, Sebastian ;Palacio-orcajo, Carlos;Henriques, Mariana;Piedade, Ana Paula;Carvalho, Sandra:
Silver activation on thin films of Ag-ZrCN coatings for antimicrobial activity. Materials Science & Engineering C: Materials for Biological Applications. 2015. Vol: 55. Pág. 547-555.
Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena;Heras, Irene;Rincon -llorente, Gonzalo;Lungwitz, Frank;Alcon, Mercedes;Escobar, Ramon:
High density TiO2 thin films deposited by Filtered Cathodic Vacuum Arc. Proceedings of SPIE: The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2015. Vol: 9558. 10.1117/12.2189503.
Domínguez-Meister, Santiago;El Mrabet, Said;Escobar, Ramon;Mariscal, Antonio;Jimenez-De Haro, Maria Carmen;Justo-Erbez, Angel Javier;Brizuela, Marta;Rojas-Ruiz, Teresa Cristina;Sanchez-Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Role of Y in the oxidation resistance of CrAlYN coatings. Applied Surface Science. 2015. Vol: 363. Pág. 504-511. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.06.099.
Heras, Irene;Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena;Krause, Matthias;Pardo, Ainhoa;Endrino, Jose Luis;Escobar, Ramon:
Solar selective coatings based on carbon:transition metal nanocomposites,. Proceedings of SPIE: The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2015. Vol: 9559. 10.1117/12.2189515.
Manninen, N.k.;Escobar, Ramon;Carvalho, S.;Cavaleiro, A.:
Silver surface segregation in Ag-DLC nanocomposite coatings. . Surface and Coatings Technology. 2015. Vol: 267. Pág. 90--97. 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2014.12.029.
Echániz, T.;Setién-fernández, I.;Pérez-sáez, R.b.;Prieto, C.;Escobar, Ramon;Tello, M.j.:
Importance of the spectral emissivity measurements at working temperature to determine the efficiency of a solar selective coating. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells. 2015. Vol: 140. Pág. 249-252. doi:10.1016/j.solmat.2015.04.009.
Pecharoman, Carlos;Della Gaspera, E.;Martucci, A. ;Escobar, Ramon;Mulvaney, P.:
Determination of the Optical Constants of Gold Nanoparticles from Thin Film Spectra.. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2015. Vol: 119. Núm: 17. Pág. 9450-9459. 10.1021/jp512611m.
Pérez-mezcua, D. ;Calzada, M. L. ;Bretos, I. ;Ricote, J.;Chateigner, D.;Jimenez, R.;Sirera, R.;Escobar, Ramon:
Evolution of the crystalline structure in (Bi0.5Na0.5)1-xBaxTiO3 thin films around the Morphotropic Phase Boundary. . Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio. 2014. Vol: 53. Núm: 1. Pág. 21-26.
Álvarez-fraga, L.;Monclús, M.a.;Molina-aldareguía, J.m;Sánchez-garcía, J.a.;Céspedes, E.;Escobar, Ramon;Prieto, C.:
Influence of the IR-mirror layer composition in the mechanical properties of solar selective coatings made from Mo:Si3N4 cermet. . Thin Solid Films. 2014. Vol: 571. Pág. 316-320. 10.1016/j.tsf.2014.05.069.
Pérez, F..j;Castañeda, S.i.;Hierro , M.p.;Escobar, Ramon;Sanchez-Lopez, Juan Carlos;Mato, S.:
Comparative study of micro and nano-structured coatings for high temperature oxidation in steam atmosphere. Oxidation of Metals. 2014. Vol: 81. Núm: 1-2. Pág. 227-236. 10.1007/s11085-013-9447.
Céspedes, E.;Wirz, M.;Sánchez-garcía, J.a.;Alvarez-fraga, L.;Escobar, Ramon;Prieto, C.:
Mo-Si3N4 based selective coating for high temperature concentrating solar power applications. . Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells. 2014. Vol: 122. Pág. 217-225. 10.1016/j.solmat.2013.12.005.
Pérez-mezcua, D.;Sirera, R.;Bretos, I.;Ricote, J.;Jimenez , R.;Fuentes-cobas, L. ;Escobar, Ramon;Chateigner, D.;Calzada, M. L.:
Morphotropic Phase Boundary in solution derived (Bi0.5Na0.5)1-xBaxTiO3 thin films: Part I Crystalline structure and compositional depth profile. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2014. Vol: 97. Núm: 4. Pág. 1269-1275. 10.1111/jace.12753.
Escobar, Ramon;Vázquez, L.:
Dynamics of GDOES induced surface roughening in metal interfaces.. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2014. Vol: 406. Núm: 29. Pág. 7483-7495. 10.1007/s00216-014-7827-3.
Zubizarreta, C.;Fortunato, E. ;Barriga , J.;Berasategui, E.g.;Bayón, R ;Escobar, Ramon;Barros, R.;Gaspar, D.;Nunes, D. ;Calmeiro, T.;Martins, R.:
Evaluation of the optoelectronic properties and corrosion behavior of Al2O3-doped ZnO films prepared by dc pulsed magnetron sputtering. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2014. Vol: 47. Núm: 48. 10.1088/0022-3727/47/48/485501.
Heras , Irene;Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena;Krause, M.;Wenisch , R.;Escobar, Ramon:
Comprehensive Environmental Testing of Optical Properties in Thin Films.. Procedia CIRP. 2014. Vol: 22. Pág. 271-276. 10.1016/j.procir.2014.06.153.
Yuste, M.;Escobar, Ramon;Martinez-sacristan, O.;Mínguez-bacho, I.;Rodriguez Lopez, S.;Hernandez-velez, M.;Sanchez Garrido, O.:
Structural and optical characterization of nanostructured ZnO grown on Alumina templates. Materials Research Express. 2014. Vol: 1. 10.1088/2053-1591/1/4/045028.
Figueiredo, N.m.;Kubart, T.;Sánchez-garcía, J.a.;Escobar, Ramon;Climent-font, A.;Cavaleiro, A.:
Optical properties and refractive index sensitivity of reactive sputtered oxide coatings with embedded Au clusters. . Journal of Applied Physics. 2014. Vol: 115. Núm: 6. 10.1063/1.4861136.
Boileau, A.;Capon, F.;Laffez, P.;Barrat, S.;Endrino Armenteros, J.l.;Escobar, Ramon;D. Horwat, D.;Pierson, J.-f.:
Mechanisms of Oxidation of NdNiO3-Thermochromic Thin Films Synthesized by a Two Steps Method in Soft Conditions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2014. Vol: 118. Núm: 11. Pág. 5908-5917. 10.1021/jp4111597.
Carvalho, I.;Escobar, Ramon;Henriques, M.;Palacio, C.;Carvalho, S.:
Influence of culture media on physical and chemical properties of Ag-TiCN coatings. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2014. Vol: 47. Núm: 33. 10.1088/0022-3727/47/33/335401.
Mato, S.;Alcala, G.;Brizuela, M.;Escobar, Ramon;Pérez, F.j.;Sanchez-Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Long - term high temperature oxidation of CrAl(Y)N coatings in steam atmosphere. . Corrosion Science. 2014. Vol: 80. Pág. 453-460. 10.1016/j.corsci.2013.11.066.
Setién-fernández, I.;Tello, M.j.;Echániz Ariceta, T.;Pérez-sáez, R. B. ;Céspedes, E.;Sánchez-garcía, J.a.;Álvarez-fraga, L.;Escobar, Ramon;Albella, J.m.;Prieto, C.:
First spectral emissivity study of a solar selective coating in the 150ºC-600ºC temperature range. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells. 2013. Vol: 117. Pág. 390-395. 10.1016/j.solmat.2013.07.002.
Calderon, S.v.;Escobar, Ramon;Oliveira, J.c.;Cavaleiro, A.;Carvalho, S.:
Ag+ release and corrosion behavior of zirconium carbonitride coatings with silver nanoparticles for biomedical devices.. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2013. Vol: 222. Pág. 104-111. 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2013.02.011.
Endrino, J. L.;Abrasonis, G.;Escobar, Ramon:
A Special Issue on Advances in Solar Selective Nanostructures and Thin Films . Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters. 2013. Vol: 5. Núm: 1. Pág. 1-100. 10.1166/nnl.2013.1529.
Escobar, Ramon;Manninen, N. K.;Palacio, C.;Carvalho, S.:
Advanced surface characterization of silver nanocluster segregation in Ag-TiCN bioactive coatings by RBS, GDOES and ARXPS. . Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2013. Vol: 405. Núm: 19. Pág. 6259-6269. 10.1007/s00216-013-7058-z.
Calderon, S.v.;Escobar, Ramon;Benito, N.;Palacio, C.;Cavaleiro, A.;Carvalho, S.:
Ag+ release inhibition from ZrCN-Ag coatings by surface agglomeration mechanism: structural characterization. . Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2013. Vol: 46. Pág. 325303-325312. 10.1088/0022-3727/46/32/325303.
Benito, N.;Escobar, Ramon;Rubio-zuazo, J.;Castro, G. R.;Palacio, C.:
High- and low-energy x-ray photoelectron techniques for compositional depth profiles: destructive versus non-destructive methods.. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2013. Vol: 46. Pág. 065310-065318. 10.1088/0022-3727/46/6/065310.
Toledano, D.;Escobar, Ramon;Yuste, M.;Albella, J.m.;Sánchez, O.:
Compositional and structural properties of nanostructured ZnO thin films grown by oblique angle reactive sputtering deposition: Effect on the refracti. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2013. Vol: 46. Pág. 045306-045312. 10.1088/0022-3727/46/4/045306.
Sanchez-Lopez, Juan Carlos;Abad, M.;Carvalho, I.;Escobar, Ramon;Benito, N.;Ribeiro, S.;Henriques, M.;Cavaleiro, A.:
Influence of silver content on the tribomechanical behaviour on Ag-TiCN biocompatible coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2012. Vol: 206. Pág. 2192-2198. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2011.09.059.
Escobar, Ramon;Palacio, C.;Vergara, L.;Benito, N. ;Fuentes, G.g.;Duday, D.;Valle, N.;Joco, V.;Sánchez, O.;Arranz, A.:
In-Depth Multi-technique Characterization of Chromium-Silicon Mixed Oxides Produced by Reactive Ion Beam Mixing of the Cr/Si Interface. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. 2012. Vol: 27. Núm: 3. Pág. 390-400. 10.1039/C2JA10296J.
Caretti, I.;Yuste, M.;Torres, R.;Jimenez, I.;Escobar, Ramon:
Coordination chemistry of titanium and zinc in Ti(1-x)Zn2xO2 (0 <= x <= 1) ultrathin films grown by DC reactive magnetron sputtering . RSC Advances. 2012. Vol: 2. Núm: 7. Pág. 2696-2699. 10.1039/C2RA01077A .
Figueiredo, N.m.;Louro, C.;Escobar, Ramon;Climent-font, A.;Cavaleiro, A.:
Structural and mechanical properties of Au alloyed Al-O sputtered coatings. . Surface and Coatings Technology. 2012. Vol: 206. Pág. 2740-2745. 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2011.11.008.
Yuste, M.;Escobar, Ramon;Caretti, I.;Torres, R.;Sánchez, O.:
Influence of the oxygen partial pressure and post-deposition annealing on the structure and optical properties of ZnO films grown by DC magnetron sput. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2012. Vol: 45. 10.1088/0022-3727/45/2/025303.
Oliveira, C.;Escobar, Ramon;Palacio, C.;Calderon, S.v.;Almeida, B.g.;Henriques, M.;Espinosa, A.;Carvalho. , S.:
Surface characterisation of Ti-Si-C-O-N coatings for orthopaedic devices: XPS and Raman spectroscopy.. Solid State Sciences. 2011. Vol: 13. Pág. 95-100. 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2010.10.015.
Yuste, M.;Escobar, Ramon;Carvalho, S.;Albella, J. M.;Sánchez, O.:
Improving the Visible Transmittance of Low-e Titanium Nitride Based Coatings for Solar Thermal Applications. Applied Surface Science. 2011. Vol: 258. Pág. 1784-1788. 10.1016/j.apsusc.2011.10.046.
Jullien, M.;Horwat, D.;Manzeh, F.;Escobar, Ramon;Bauer, Ph.;Pierson, J.f.;Endrino, J.l.:
Influence of the nanoscale structural features on the properties and electronic structure of Al-doped ZnO thin films: an X-ray absorption study. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells. 2011. Vol: 95. Pág. 2341-2346. doi:10.1016/j.solmat.2011.04.003.
Benito, N.;Diaz, D.;Vergara, L.;Escobar, Ramon;Sanchez, O.;Palacio, C.:
An XPS and ellipsometry study of Cr-O-Al mixed oxides grown by reactive magnetron sputtering.. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2011. Vol: 206. Núm: 6. Pág. 1484-1489. 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2011.09.026.
Manninen, N.k.;Escobar, Ramon;Benito, N.;Figueiredo, N.m.;Cavaleiro, A.;Palacio, C.;Carvalho, S.:
Ag-Ti(C, N)-based coatings for biomedical applications: influence of silver content on the structural properties. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2011. Vol: 44. 10.1088/0022-3727/44/37/375501.
Campos, I.;Ortiz-dominguez, M.;Cimenoglu, H.;Escobar, Ramon;Keddam, M.;Elias-espinosa, M.;Lopez-perrusquia, N.:
Diffusion model for growth of the Fe2B layer in pure iron. Surface Engineering. 2011. Vol: 27. Núm: 3. Pág. 189-195. 10.1179/026708410X12550773057820.
Vergara, L.;Escobar, Ramon;Martínez, R.;Sánchez, O. ;Palacio, C.;Albella, J.m.:
Control of the optical properties of silicon and chromium mixed oxides deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering. . Thin Solid Films. 2011. Vol: 519. Pág. 3509-3515. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2011.01.103.
Endrino-,J.L.;Sanchez-Lopez, Juan Carlos;Escobar, Ramon;Horwat-,D.;Anders-,A:
Silva, E.;Rebelo De Figueiredo, M. ;Franz, R.;Escobar, Ramon;Carvalho, S.;Mitterer, C.;Rebouta, L.;Mendonça, J.p.:
Structure-property relations in ZrCN coatings for tribological applications. . Surface and Coatings Technology. 2010. Vol: 205. Pág. 2134-2141. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2010.08.126.
Escobar, Ramon;Endrino, J.l.;Martínez, R.;Albella. , J.m:
Improving the oxidation resistance of AlCrN coatings by tailoring chromium out-diffusion.. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy. 2010. Vol: 65. Pág. 950-958. 10.1016/j.sab.2010.09.005.
Sánchez-marcos, J.;Ochando, I. M.;Escobar, Ramon;Prieto, C.:
Optical and transport properties of Ti-doped In2O3 thin films prepared by electron beam physical vapor deposition. Physica Status Solidi A Applications and Materials. 2010. Vol: 7. Pág. 1549-1553. 10.1002/pssa.200983717.
Yuste, M.;Escobar, Ramon;Cano, D.;Casasola, R.;Albella, J.m.;Sánchez, O.:
Correlation between structure and optical properties in low emissivity coatings for solar thermal collectors. Thin Solid Films. 2010. Vol: 518. Pág. 5720-5723. 10.1016/j.tsf.2010.05.056.
Oliveira, C.;Escobar, Ramon;Palacio, C.;Vázquez, L.;Espinosa, A.;Almeida, B.g.;Henriques, M.;Calderon, S.v.;Carvalho, S.:
Influence of the surface morphology and microstructure on the biological properties of Ti-Si-C-N-O coatings. Thin Solid Films. 2010. Vol: 518. Pág. 5694-5699. 10.1016/j.tsf.2010.05.050.
Campos-silva, I.;Ortiz-domínguez, M.;Lopez-perrusquia, N.;Meneses Amador, A. ;Escobar, Ramon;Martínez-trinidad , J.:
Characterization of AISI 4140 borided steels. Applied Surface Science. 2010. Vol: 256. Núm: 8. Pág. 2372-2379. 10.1016/j.apsusc.2009.10.070.
Albella, J.m. ;Escobar, Ramon;Gomez-aleixandre, C. ;Jimenez, I.:
Capas delgadas y recubrimientos funcionales depositados mediante técnicas de vacío. . Revista Española de Física. 2010. Vol: 24. Núm: 2. Pág. 30-44.
Escobar, Ramon;Gago, R.;Duday, D.;Palacio, C.:
Towards nanometric resolution in multilayer depth profiling: RBS, SIMS, XPS and GDOES comparative study. Review. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2010. Vol: 398. Núm: 8. DOI 10.1007/s00216-009-3339-y.
Buijnsters, J. G.;Vázquez, L.;Escobar, Ramon;Ter Meulen, J. J:
Molybdenum interlayers for nucleation enhancement in diamond CVD growth. . Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2010. Vol: 10. Núm: 4. Pág. 2885-2891. 10.1166/jnn.2010.1392.
Campos-silva, I.;Ortiz-domínguez, M.;Martínez Trinidad, J.;López-perrusquia, N.;Hernández-sánchez, E.;Ramírez-sandoval, G.;Escobar, Ramon:
Properties and characterization of hard coatings obtained by boriding: An overview.. Defect and Diffusion Forum. 2010. Vol: 297-301. Pág. 1284-1289. 0.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.297-301.1284.
Endrino, J.l.;Fox-rabinovich, G.s.;Escobar, Ramon;Kalss, W.;Veldhuis, S.;Soriano, L.;Andersson, J.;Gutiérrez, A.:
Oxidation post-treatment of hard AlTiN coating for machining of hardened steels. . Surface and Coatings Technology. 2009. Vol: 204. Núm: 3. Pág. 256-262. 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2009.07.010.
Escobar, Ramon;Gago, R.;Lousa, A.;Albella, J. M.:
Comparative depth profiling analysis of nanometre metal multilayers by GDOES, RBS and SIMS. . Trends in Analytical Chemistry. 2009. Vol: 28. Núm: 4. Pág. 494-505. 10.1016/j.trac.2009.01.004.
Campos- Silva, I.;Ortiz- Domínguez, M.;López- Perrusquia, N.;Escobar, Ramon;Gómez- Vargas, O. A. ;Hernández- Sánchez, E. :
Determination of Boron Diffusion Coefficients in Borided Tool Steels. . Defect and Diffusion Forum. 2009. Vol: 283-286. Pág. 681-686. 10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.283-286.681.
Oliveira, C.;Oliveira, R.;Gonçalves, L.;Almeida, B. G.;Tavares, C. J.;Guimarães,, F.;Carvalho, S.;Escobar, Ramon;Henriques, M.;Susano, M.:
XRD and FTIR analysis of Ti-Si-C-ON coatings for biomedical application. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2008. Vol: 203. Pág. 490-494. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2008.06.121.
Escobar, Ramon;Albella, J. M.:
Modelling of glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy depth profiles of metal (Cr,Ti) multilayer coatings. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy. 2008. Vol: 63. Núm: 3. Pág. 422-430. 10.1016/j.sab.2007.12.006.
Guimarães, F.;Parreira, N. M. G.;Vaz, F.;Cavaleiro, A.;Oliveira, C.;Sequeiros, E.;Torres, M.;Susano, M.;Henriques, M.;Oliveira, R.;Escobar, Ramon;Carvalho, S.:
Structural and mechanical properties of Ti-Si-C-ON for biomedical applications. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2008. Vol: 202. Núm: 11. Pág. 2403-2407. 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2007.08.056.
Rayon, E.;Escobar, Ramon;Matveeva, E.; Albella, J. M.:
Hydrogen and oxygen in-depth evolution during electrochemical hydrogenation/dehydrogenation of Y¿Pd thin films analyzed by Glow Discharge Optical Emis. Thin Solid Films. 2008. Vol: 516. Núm: 8. Pág. 6524-6530. 10.1016/j.tsf.2008.03.002.
Endrino, J. L.;Escobar, Ramon;Zhang, H. S.;Allen, M.;Gago, R.;Espinosa, A.;Anders, A.:
Structure and properties of silver-containing a-C(H) films deposited by plasma immersion ion implantation. . Surface and Coatings Technology. 2008. Vol: 202. Pág. 3675-3682. 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2008.01.011.
Campos- Silva, I.;Balankin, A. S.;Sierra, A. H.;López- Perrusquia, N.;Escobar, Ramon;Morales- Matamoros. , D.:
Characterization of rough interfaces obtained by boriding. Applied Surface Science. 2008. Vol: 255. Núm: 5. Pág. 2596-2602. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2008.07.142.
Escobar, Ramon:
Reply to Comment to calibration of nitrogen content for GDOES depth profiling of complex nitride coatings. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. 2008. Vol: 23. Núm: 3. Pág. 593-594. 10.1039/b713743p.
Campos- Silva, I.;Ortiz- Domínguez, M. ;Villa Velázquez, C.;Escobar, Ramon;López , N.:
Growth kinetics of boride layers: a modified approach. Defect and Diffusion Forum. 2007. Vol: 272. Pág. 79-86. 10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.272.79.
Alberdi, A. ;Marin, M.;Diaz, B.;Sánchez, O.;Escobar, Ramon:
Wear resistance of titanium-aluminium-chromium-nitride nanocomposite thin films. . Vacuum. 2007. Vol: 81. Núm: 11-12. Pág. 1453-1456. 10.1016/j.vacuum.2007.04.024.
Normile, P. S.;De Toro, J. A.;Muñoz, T.;González, J. A.;Andrés, J. P.;Muñiz, P.;Escobar, Ramon;Riveiro, J. M.:
Influence of spacer layer morphology on the exchange bias properties of reactively sputtered Co/Ag multilayers. Physical Review B: Covering Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2007. Vol: 76. Núm: 10. 10.1103/PhysRevB.76.104430.
Endrino, J. L.;Reiter, A.;Fox- Rabinovich, G. S.;Dosbaeva, J.;Escobar, Ramon;Albella, J. M.;Marco, J. F.:
Oxidation Tuning in AlCrN Coating. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2007. Vol: 201. Núm: 8. Pág. 4505-4511. 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2006.09.089.
Ochando, I. M.;Cáceres, D.;García- López, F. J.;Escobar, Ramon;Jiménez- Rioboó, R. J.;Prieto, C.:
Influence of the yttrium content on the mechanical properties of Y2O3-ZrO2 thin films prepared by EB-PVD. . Vacuum. 2007. Vol: 81. Núm: 11-12. Pág. 1457-1461. 10.1016/j.vacuum.2007.04.028.
Escobar, Ramon;Formiés, E.;Gago, R.;Albella, J. M.:
Calibration of nitrogen content for GDOES depth profiling of complex nitride coatings. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. 2007. Vol: 22. Núm: 12. Pág. 1512-1516. 10.1039/B711657H.
Formiés, E.;Escobar, Ramon;Sánchez, O.;Albella, J. M.:
Growth of CrNx by DC reactive magnetron sputtering at constant N2/Ar gas flow.. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2006. Vol: 200. Núm: 20-21. Pág. 6047-6053. 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2005.09.020.
Escobar, Ramon;Gago, R.;Formiés, E.;Muñoz- Martín, A.;Climent Font, A.;Albella, J.m.:
Nanometric resolution in GDOES and RBS depth profiling of metal (Cr, Al) nitride multilayers. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy. 2006. Vol: 61. Núm: 5. Pág. 545-553. 10.1016/j.sab.2006.03.012.
Endrino, J.l.;Allen, M.;Escobar, Ramon;Zhang, H.;Anders, A.;Albella, J.m.:
Biocompatible silver-containing a-C:H and a-C coatings: A comparative study.. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 2006. Vol: 950. Pág. 105-111.
Escobar, Ramon;Formiés, E.;Albella, J. M.:
Compositional depth profiling analysis of thin and ultrathin multilayer coatings by radio-frequency glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2006. Vol: 200. Núm: 22-23. Pág. 6185-6189. 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2005.11.064.
Escobar, Ramon;Formiés, E.;Albella, J. M.:
Interfacial effects during the analysis of multilayers metal coatings by radio-frequency Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy. Part I: Crater . Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. 2005. Vol: 20. Pág. 1108-1115. 10.1039/B502771C.
Escobar, Ramon;Van Veen, A.;Evans, J. H.;Schut, H.;De Hosson, J. Th. M.:
A modified blister test to study the adhesion of thin coatings based on local helium ion implantation. Thin Solid Films. 2005. Vol: 471. Núm: 1-2. Pág. 170-176. 10.1016/j.tsf.2004.06.129.
Escobar, Ramon;Formiés, E.;Albella, J. M.:
Interfacial effects during the analysis of multilayers metal coatings by radio-frequency Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy. Part II: Evalua. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. 2005. Vol: 20. Pág. 1116-1120. 10.1039/B502774H.
Escobar, Ramon;Van Veen, A.;Schut, H.;Hoy, R.;Janssen, G. C. A. M.;De Hosson, J. Th. M. :
Adhesion Behaviour of CrNx Coatings on Pre-treated Metal Substrates Studied In-Situ by PBA and ESEM after Annealing. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2005. Vol: 199. Pág. 57-65. 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2005.04.018.
Pirota, K.;Provencio, M.;García, K. L.;Escobar, Ramon;Hernández- Vélez, M. ;Mendoza, P.;Vázquez, M.:
Bi-magnetic microwires: a novel family of materials with controlled behaviour. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2005. Vol: 290-291. Núm: 1. Pág. 68-73. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2004.11.231.
Escobar, Ramon;Schut, H.;Van Veen, A.;Rastogi, R.;Vellinga, W. P.;Meijer, H. E. H:
Interface detection in poly-ethylene terephthalate-metal laminates using variable energy positron annihilation. Thin Solid Films. 2005. Vol: 478. Núm: 1-2. Pág. 338-344. 10.1016/j.tsf.2004.11.045.
Escobar, Ramon;Van Veen, A.;Evans, J. H.;Schut, H.;De Hosson, J. Th. M.:
Protrusion formation and surface porosity development on thermally annealed helium implanted copper. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2004. Vol: 217. Núm: 2. Pág. 262-275. 10.1016/j.nimb.2003.10.012.
Rabbani, F.;Escobar, Ramon;Arnoldbik, W. M.;Van Der Zwaag, S. ;Van Veen, A.;Schut, H.:
Stress reduction in a-C:H coatings through the addition of nitrogen to the feed gas. Diamond and Related Materials. 2004. Vol: 13. Núm: 9. Pág. 1645-1657. 10.1016/j.diamond.2004.02.003.
García, M.;Barsema, J.;Escobar, Ramon;Cangialosi, D.;Garcia- Turiel, J.;Van Zyl, W. E.;Verweij, H.;Blank, D. H. A.:
Hybrid Organic Inorganic Nylon-6/SiO2 Nanocomposites: Transport Properties. Polymer Engineering and Science. 2004. Vol: 44. Núm: 7. Pág. 1240-1246. 10.1002/pen.20119.
Escobar, Ramon;Van Veen, A. ;Schut, H.;Evans, J.h.;Fedorov, A.v.;Hou, P.y.;De Hosson, J. Th. M.:
Surface porosity development on metal substrates by helium implantation and annealing. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 2004. Vol: 792. Pág. 25-30.
Escobar, Ramon;Van Veen, A.;Schut, H.;Rabbani, F.;Janssen, G. C. A. M.;De Hosson, J. Th. M.:
Thermally induced delamination of amorphous hydrogenated carbon coatings monitored by positron beam analysis. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2004. Vol: 180-181. Pág. 207-212. 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2003.10.042.
Van Veen, A.;Escobar, Ramon;Eijt, S. W. H.;Schut, H.;Van Gog, H.;Balkenende, A. R.;De Theije , F. K.:
Porosity in Silicon and Silica Thin Films Monitored by Positrons and Positronium. Materials Science Forum. 2004. Vol: 445-446. Pág. 254-258. 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.445-446.254.
Evans, J. H.;Escobar, Ramon;Van Veen, A.:
A description of bubble growth and gas release during thermal annealing of helium implanted copper. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2004. Vol: 217. Núm: 2. Pág. 276-280. 10.1016/j.nimb.2003.10.013.
Eijt, S. W. H.;Falub, C. V.;Van Veen, A.;Escobar, Ramon;Schut, H.;Mijnarends, P. E.;De Theije, F. K.;Balkenende, A. R.:
Depth selective 2D-ACAR studies on low-k dielectric thin films. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 2003. Vol: 68. Núm: 3-4. Pág. 357-362. 10.1016/S0969-806X(03)00184-1.
Escobar, Ramon;Van Veen, A.;Eijt, S. W. H.;Falub, C.v.;Schut, H.;Balkenende, A. R.;De Theije, F. K.:
Systematic positron study of hydrophilicity of the internal pore surface in ordered low-k silica thin films. Materials Science & Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology. 2003. Vol: 102. Núm: 1-3. Pág. 403-408. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921510703001211.
Escobar, Ramon;Van Veen, A.;Schut, H.;Falub, C. V.;Balkenende, A. R.;De With, G.;De Hosson, J. Th.:
Nano-porosity in silica reinforced methyltrimethoxysilane coatings studied by positron beam analysis. Composites Science and Technology. 2003. Vol: 63. Núm: 8. Pág. 1133-1139. 10.1016/S0266-3538(03)00034-4.
Van Veen, A.;Escobar, Ramon;Eijt, S. W. H.;Falub, C. V.;Schut, H.;Balkenende, A. R.;De Theije. , F. K.:
Positron beam analysis of structurally ordered porosity in mesoporous silica thin films. Materials Science & Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology. 2003. Vol: 102. Núm: 1-3. Pág. 2-7. 10.1016/S0921-5107(02)00752-3.
Abadjieva, E.;Schut, H.;Alba- Garcia, A.;Escobar, Ramon;Van Veen, A.;Pimblott, S. M.:
The design of an electrostatic variable energy positron beam for studies of defects in ceramic coatings and polymer films . Applied Surface Science. 2002. Vol: 194. Núm: 1-4. Pág. 47-51. 10.1016/S0169-4332(02)00087-9.
Escobar, Ramon;Van Veen, A. :
Stress development and adhesion behaviour in thin ceramic coatings monitored by positron annihilation during bending. . Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 2002. Vol: 695. Pág. 397-402.
Escobar, Ramon;Van Veen, A.;Carvalho, N.j.;Strondl, C.;Schut, H.;De Hosson, J. Th.:
Stress development and adhesion behaviour in thin ceramic coatings monitored by positron annihilation during bending. . Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 2002. Vol: 695. Pág. 397-402.
Schut, H.;Van Veen, A.;Rivera, A.;Van Huis, M. A.;Alba- García, A.;Escobar, Ramon:
In situ mechanical, temperature and gas exposure treatments of materials combined with variable energy positron beam techniques.. Applied Surface Science. 2002. Vol: 194. Núm: 1-4. Pág. 239-244. 10.1016/S0169-4332(02)00124-1.
Holgado-Vázquez, Juan Pedro;Escobar, Ramon;Van Veen, A.;Schut, H.;De Hosson, J. Th. M.;Rodríguez-González-Elipe, Agustín:
Structural effects of the incorporation of Ar atoms in the lattice of ZrO2 thin films prepared by ion bombardment. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2002. Vol: 194. Núm: 3. Pág. 333-345. 10.1016/S0168-583X(02)00695-X.
Shiryaev, A. A.;Iakoubovskii, K.;Schut, H.;Van Veen, A.;Escobar, Ramon;Zhakarchenko, O. D.;Klyuev, Yu. A. ;Kaminsky, F.;Feigelson, B. N.:
Positron Annihilation in diamonds. Materials Science Forum. 2001. Vol: 363-365. Pág. 40-46. http://www.scientific.net/MSF.363-365.40.
Rivera, A.;Montilla, I.;Alba Garcia, A.;Escobar, Ramon;Falub, C. V.;Van Veen, A.;Schut, H.;De Nijs, J. M. M.;Balk, P.:
Native and Irradiation-Induced Defects in SiO2 Structures Studied by Positron Annihilation Techniques. Materials Science Forum. 2001. Vol: 363-365. Pág. 64-66. 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.363-365.64.
Chechenin, N. G.;Van Veen, A.;Escobar, Ramon;Schut, H.;Chezan, A. R.;Bronsveld, P. M.;De Hosson, J. Th. M.;Boerma , D. O.:
Positron annihilation and transmission electron microscopy study of the evolution of microstructure in cold-rolled and nitrided FeNiTi foils. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2001. Vol: 13. Núm: 26. Pág. 5937-5946. 10.1088/0953-8984/13/26/309.
Alba Garcia, A.;Siebbeles, L. D. A.;Rivera, A.;Schut, H.;Eijt, S. W. H.;Escobar, Ramon;Van Veen, A.:
Positronium fractions and cavity sizes derived from 1- and 2-detector Doppler broadening spectra. Materials Science Forum. 2001. Vol: 363-365. Pág. 287-289. 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.363-365.287.
Chechenin, N. G.;Van Veen, A.;Escobar, Ramon;Schut, H.;Chezan, A.;Boerma, D. O.:
Positron annihilation in gaseous nitrided cold-rolled FeNiTi films.. Materials Science Forum. 2001. Vol: 363-365. Pág. 493-495. 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.363-365.493.
Escobar, Ramon;Van Veen, A.;Alba Garcia, A.;Schut, H.;De Hosson, J. Th. M.:
Positron Beam Analysis of polymer/metal interfaces under stress. Materials Science Forum. 2001. Vol: 363-365. Pág. 499-591. 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.363-365.499.
Escobar, Ramon;Van Veen, A.;Alba Garcia, A.;Schut, H.;De Hosson., J. Th. M.:
Study of polymer/metal coating under stress using positron annihilation spectroscopy. Acta Materialia. 2000. Vol: 48. Núm: 18-19. Pág. 4743-4747. 10.1016/S1359-6454(00)00266-4.
Schut, H.;Escobar, Ramon;Kolar, Z, I.;Van Veen, A.;Clet, G.:
Positronium formation in NaY-zeolites studied by lifetime, positron beam Doppler broadening and 3-gamma detection techniques. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 2000. Vol: 58. Núm: 5-6. Pág. 715-718. 10.1016/S0969-806X(00)00245-0.
Heras, Irene;Guillén-Rodríguez, Elena;Escobar, Ramon:
Design of high-temperature solar-selective coatings based on aluminium titanium oxynitrides AlyTi1-y(OxN1-x). Part 1: Advanced microstructural charact. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells.



Tesis dirigidas o codirigidas

Heras, Irene:
Multilayer solar selective coatings for high temperature solar applications: from concept to design. . Tesis Doctoral. 2016
Benito, Noelia:
Síntesis y caracterización de películas delgadas de óxidos mixtos con aplicaciones estructurales y/o funcionales . Tesis Doctoral. 2014
Yuste, Miriam:
Preparación y caracterización de peliculas delgadas de ZnO: dopaje y nanoestructuración . Tesis Doctoral. 2013