Cabello, Gracia María;Navas, Sergio Jesús;Vázquez-trujillos, Irene Matilde;Iranzo-Paricio, Alfredo;Pino-Lucena, Francisco Javier:
Renewable medium-small projects in Spain: Past and present of microgrid development. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2022. Vol: 165.
Navas, Sergio Jesús;Cabello, Gracia María;Pino-Lucena, Francisco Javier:
Hybrid power-heat microgrid solution using hydrogen as an energy vector for residential houses in Spain. A case study.. Energy Conversion And Management. 2022. Vol: 263. Pág. 115724-115724.
Iranzo-Paricio, Alfredo;Navas, Sergio Jesús;Pino-Lucena, Francisco Javier; Althubiti, Numa A.;Berber, Mohamed R. :
Influence of the dwell time in the polarization hysteresis of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. Electrochimica Acta. 2022. Vol: 426. Núm: 140809.
Iranzo-Paricio, Alfredo;Navas, Sergio Jesús;Rosa-Iglesias, Manuel Felipe;Berber, Mohamed:
Determination of time constants of diffusion and electrochemical processes in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells. Energy. 2021. Vol: 221.
Navas, Sergio Jesús;Rodriguez-Rubio, Francisco;Ollero-De Castro, Pedro;Miranda, João:
Optimal Control Applied to Distributed Solar Collector Fields with Partial Radiation. Solar Energy. 2018. Vol: 159. Pág. 811-819.
Rodriguez-Rubio, Francisco;Navas, Sergio Jesús;Ollero-De Castro, Pedro;Miranda-lemos, João;Ortega-Linares, Manuel Gil:
Optimal Control Applied to Distributed Solar Collector Fields. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial. 2018. Vol: 15. Núm: 3. Pág. 327-338.
Navas, Sergio Jesús;Ollero-De Castro, Pedro;Rodriguez-Rubio, Francisco:
Optimum Operating Temperature of Parabolic Trough Solar Fields. Solar Energy. 2017. Vol: 158. Pág. 295-302.
Navas, Sergio Jesús;Rodriguez-Rubio, Francisco;Ollero-De Castro, Pedro:
Optimum Control of Parabolic Trough Solar Fields with Partial Radiation.. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2017. Vol: 50. Núm: 1. Pág. 109-114.