
Grupo de investigación


Capítulos en Libros

Rodríguez-bernal, Aníbal;Sastre-Gómez, Silvia:
Nonlinear nonlocal reaction-diffusion equations.. Pág. 53-61. Springer. Springer. 2014.

Artículos publicados

Sastre-Gómez, Silvia;Tello, José Ignacio:
On the existence of solutions for a parabolic-elliptic chemotaxis model with flux limitation and logistic source. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2023. Núm: January. Pág. 1-16. doi:10.1002/mma.9050.
Rodríguez-bernal, Aníbal;Sastre-Gómez, Silvia:
Nonlinear nonlocal reaction.diffusion problem with local reaction. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series A. 2021. 10.3934/dcds.2021170.
Pereira, Marcone;Sastre-Gómez, Silvia:
Nonlocal and nonlinear evolution equations in perforated domains. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2021. Vol: 495. Núm: 2. Pág. 1-21.
Bezerra, Flank;Sastre-Gómez, Silvia;H.-da Silva, Severino:
Upper semicontinuity for a class of nonlocal evolution equations with Neumann condition.. Applicable Analysis. 2019. Vol: 10. Pág. 1-16.
Henry, David;Sastre-Gómez, Silvia:
Steady periodic water waves bifurcating for fixed-depth rotational flows with discontinuous vorticity. Differential And Integral Equations. 2018. Vol: 31. Pág. 1-26.
Sastre-Gómez, Silvia:
Equivalent formulations for steady periodic water waves of fixed mean-depth with discontinuous vorticity.. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series A. 2017. Vol: 37. Pág. 2669-2680.
Henry, David;Sastre-Gómez, Silvia:
Mean Flow Velocities and Mass Transport for Equatorially-Trapped Water Waves with an Underlying Current.. Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics. 2016. Vol: 18. Pág. 795-804.
Rodríguez-bernal, Aníbal;Sastre-Gómez, Silvia:
Linear non-local diffusion problems in metric measure spaces. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics. 2016. Vol: 146. Pág. 833-863.
Sastre-Gómez, Silvia:
Global diffeomorphism of the Lagrangian flow-map defining equatorially trapped water waves.. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 2015. Vol: 125. Pág. 725-731.
Chasseigne, Emmanuel;Sastre-Gómez, Silvia:
A nonlocal two-phase Stefan problem. Differential And Integral Equations. 2013. Vol: 26. Pág. 1335-1360.
Sastre-Gómez, Silvia:
Equivalent formulations for steady periodic water waves of fixed mean-depth with discontinuous vorticity.. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series A. Vol: 37.